More than 1 million images now publicly available at!
Good news! Artstor has made more than 1 million image, video, document, and audio files from public institutional collections freely available to everyone—subscribers and non-subscribers alike–at These collections are being shared by institutions who make their content available via JSTOR Forum, a tool that allows them to catalog, manage, and share digital media collections and make them discoverable to the widest possible audience.
These eclectic collections fall into a multitude of categories, including special collections, faculty research and fieldwork, and museum and gallery collections. By digitizing and sharing these local collections, institutions and scholars can make available a wealth of often fragile physical material that would be difficult to access except by visiting the site itself. Making a collection public also allows researchers to share their findings with the wider scholarly community, providing the opportunity for comparison and feedback, or for student artists to gain recognition for their work.
Among the ways to navigste ArtStor images is a geographical brows function including for instance:
Egypt (37156)
Cyprus (5827)
Greece (28748)
Italy (180165)
Turkey (33964)
Western Asia (106245)