Monday, December 31, 2012

Open Access Journal: Tamid: Revista Catalana d’Estudis Hebraics

Tamid: Revista Catalana d’Estudis Hebraics
Print ISSN: 1138-5561
Capçalera de pàgina
Tamid ofereix un recull anual de treballs originals dels membres de la Societat Catalana d’Estudis Hebraics dels diferents camps o èpoques en què solen dividir-se els estudis hebraics: l’època biblicotalmúdica, l’edat mitjana (amb la vasta producció cultural dels jueus de la Catalunya medieval) i els temps moderns (incloent-hi l’estudi de la literatura contemporània en llengua hebrea). Els articles que conté aquesta publicació són el fruit d’investigadors que treballen aquests camps d’una manera específica, coneixedors de primera mà de la documentació històrica i filològica pertinent i assabentats dels estudis més recents en la matèria. Però al mateix temps, Tamid inclou, traduïts al català, els treballs d’erudits de fora que, pel coneixement aprofundit que tenen d’algun tema, mereixen ser coneguts entre nosaltres.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Webfestschrift Boris Ilich Marshak

Webfestschrift Marshak 2003 Ērān ud Anērān: Studies presented to Boris Ilich Marshak on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday
Electronic Version
Matteo Compareti, Paola Raffetta, Gianroberto Scarcia - Editors
October 2003
Transoxiana regrets the passing away of Boris Marshak (9 July 1933-28 July 2006) at the site of the archeological excavations of Ancient Panjikent.
Table of Contents

Open Access Journal: Berliner Blätter für Münz-, Siegel- und Wappenkunde

Berliner Blätter für Münz-, Siegel- und Wappenkunde

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Open Access Journal: International Journal of Intangible Heritage

International Journal of Intangible Heritage
The International Journal of Intangible Heritage is a refereed academic and professional English journal dedicated to the promotion of the understanding of all aspects of the intangible heritage in the world, and the communication of research and examples of good professional practice. Proposals for contributions to future volumes of the Journal are actively sought from professionals and specialists in the world.

Monday, December 24, 2012

French Dissertations Online est le moteur de recherche des thèses de doctorat françaises.

Il vise à donner sur le web un point d’entrée :
• à toutes les thèses de doctorat en cours de préparation en France
• à toutes les thèses de doctorat soutenues en France, quel que soit le support matériel de la thèse (document papier, numérique, édition commerciale…)
• aux personnes et organismes en lien avec ces thèses. est une des applications du projet Portail des thèses confié à l’ABES en 2009 par le Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche. La feuille de route comprenait les trois axes suivants :
• renforcer la visibilité nationale et internationale de la recherche doctorale française ; expose largement sur le web les données décrivant les thèses de doctorat.
• servir le monde académique ; permet à l'ensemble de la communauté scientifique d'avoir une connaissance aussi exacte que possible de l'état de la recherche doctorale en cours, et de pouvoir faire le point sur un thème de recherche ou sur une discipline.
• servir le monde économique ; en valorisant les travaux des doctorants et des docteurs, vise à faciliter l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes chercheurs.

Une base de données en constante évolution

A l’ouverture, en juillet 2011, recense toutes les thèses soutenues depuis 2006 dans les établissements ayant choisi d’abandonner le dépôt de la thèse papier au profit du support électronique (plus de 6 000 thèses). L’accès au texte intégral des thèses n’est pas systématique car conditionné à l’autorisation de mise en ligne accordée par le docteur et/ou les ayant-droits de la thèse.
En septembre 2011, les données issues du Fichier central des thèses (plus de 66 000 thèses en préparation dans les universités, principalement en lettres, sciences humaines et sociales) sont versées dans

Les données de sont validées par les personnels des établissements habilités à délivrer le doctorat.

Dans les prochains mois, s’enrichira de la bibliographie nationale des thèses, répertoire exhaustif de toutes les thèses soutenues en France depuis 1985, disponible aujourd’hui au sein du catalogue Sudoc...

Saturday, December 22, 2012

App: PictureIt: Epistles of Paul

PictureIt: Epistles of Paul [video describing the app Pictureit: EP]
Welcome to the world of second century C.E. Egypt. This app will allow you to leaf through pages of the world's oldest existing manuscript of the letters of St. Paul (P.Mich.inv.6238, also known in NT scholarship as P46). Thirty leaves of this manuscript, written in about 200 C.E., were found in Egypt and purchased by the University of Michigan Papyrology Collection in 1931 and 1933 (another 56 leaves, not included in this app, are housed in the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin; 18 leaves are missing completely).

The app will give you the feel of what it was like reading an ancient Greek book on papyrus, where the text is written without word division, punctuation, headings, or chapter and verse numbers. To aid the reader without knowledge of ancient Greek the translation mode will give a literal translation of the Greek text preserved on these pages (with addition of chapter and verse numbers), with explanatory notes showing where this text is different from the Standard text.

Open Access Diccionario Griego–Español

Diccionario Griego–Español
DGE en línea es la edición digital de los siete volúmenes publicados del Diccionario Griego-Español, que cubren la sección alfabética α - ἔξαυος. Aun siendo una obra en curso de elaboración, el DGE constituye en la actualidad el diccionario bilingüe más extenso y completo de la lengua griega antigua a una lengua moderna: incluye ya cerca de 60.000 entradas y 370.000 citas de autores y textos antiguos.

Εs un diccionario de autoridades, es decir, todas las traducciones y acepciones están documentadas con citas de autores literarios y textos documentales, corpus que abarca desde el período micénico y Homero hasta el siglo VI d.C. Está basado en una amplia recogida de materiales léxicos, que se hallan en continuo crecimiento debido a la publicación ininterrumpida de nuevos textos y de nuevas ediciones y estudios sobre el léxico y la lengua griega. A ello hay que añadir los bancos de datos de griego antiguo, cada vez más completos y sofisticados. Para más información sobre la historia y las características del DGE remitimos a la Presentación del proyecto.

Lo que aquí ofrecemos es una primera versión de DGE en línea, a la que seguirán otras. El texto ha sido codificado en XML, a partir de un esquema basado en las recomendaciones de la Text Encoding Initiative (TEI P5). Los lemas se presentan en un doble sistema de navegación (por orden alfabético o inverso) que permite un acceso rápido y eficaz a las entradas. Los artículos se visualizan uno a uno y estructurados, aunque por el momento de un modo básico. Vienen claramente distinguidos sus principales secciones y apartados. Todo esto supone ya un avance significativo en relación con la presentación condensada y apretada de los artículos en su versión impresa.

Para hacerse una idea de algunas de las características futuras de DGE en línea, invitamos a consultar LMPG en línea, edición digital del Léxico de magia y religión en los papiros mágicos griegos. Por su menor tamaño y complejidad, este recurso ofrece características técnicas más desarrolladas, que se incorporarán gradualmente a DGE en línea, del cual es, en cierto modo, un prototipo. En primer lugar está la implementación de un motor de búsqueda avanzado. Para más adelante quedarán la interconexión con otros recursos, como nuestro Repertorio Bibliográfico de la Lexicografía Griega o la incorporación de addenda et corrigenda. Tendremos igualmente en cuenta las sugerencias de los usuarios para mejorar la aplicación.

DGE en línea es un recurso open access, siguiendo la política institucional del CSIC, que en 2006 suscribió la Declaración de Berlín sobre el acceso abierto al conocimiento en las Humanidades y las Ciencias.

DGE online is the digital edition of the seven published volumes of the Diccionario Griego-Español, that cover the alphabetical section α - ἔξαυος. Although still in progress, the DGE is currently becoming the largest bilingual dictionary of ancient Greek: it already includes about 60,000 entries and 370,000 quotations of ancient authors and texts.

The DGE is a dictionary of authorities, which means that all the translations and meanings are documented with quotations of literary authors and documentary texts from the Mycenaean period and Homer to the VIth century A.C. Our work is based on an extensive collection of lexical materials, still increasing because of the constant publication of new literary and documentary texts, new critical editions and lexical studies, to which must be added the databases of ancient Greek corpora. For further information about the history and the characteristics of the DGE, please visit our Project Presentation

This new digital resource is a first version of DGE online, to be followed by others. The text has been encoded in XML validated by a schema following the recommendations of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI P5). The lemmas are displayed in a dual navigation system (in alphabetical order or reverse) that allows quick and efficient access to the entries. The articles are displayed one by one in a structured view. The main sections are clearly separated, which is yet a significant advance in comparison with the condensed and tight presentation of the printed Lexicon. 

In order to discover some of the future features of DGE online, we encourage you to consult LMPG online, the digital edition of the Léxico de magia y religión en los papiros mágicos griegos. Because of its lower degree of complexity, the digitization of this small Lexicon is considered as a successful prototype: it provides some advanced features, such as the implementation of a customized search engine, that will be gradually integrated into DGE online. In order to improve this new resource, we will be glad to read your comments and suggestions

DGE online is an open access resource, following the CSIC institutional policy: our institution signed in 2006 the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities.

  • DGE en línea
  • LMPG en línea

  • Presentación
  • Publicaciones
  • Listas
  • Bibliografía
  • RBLG Supl.
  • Adrados
  • Friday, December 21, 2012

    Nestor abandons paper!

    From the Editors
    Friday, 21 December 2012 16:04
    This is the last issue of Nestor that will be distributed in hardcopy via the post. We are ending all subscriptions and invite our past subscribers to remain current with the bibliography in the field of Aegean Prehistory by downloading future issues from our website:

    The editors of Nestor wish our readers the happiest of holidays and all the best in the New Year.

    Teaching The Golden Age of Chinese Archaeology

    Teaching The Golden Age of Chinese Archaeology

    These teaching materials were developed in conjunction with the exhibition The Golden Age of Chinese Archaeology: Celebrated Discoveries from The People's Republic of China, which is no longer on view at the National Gallery.

    Booklets and slides are available through the education department's Free Loan Program.
    This publication was developed by the staff of the National Gallery of Art and the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco.

    Objects & Commentary
       Late Prehistoric China
       Bronze Age China
       Chu and Other Cultures
       Early Imperial China
    Teaching Activities
    Pronunciation Guide/Glossary

    Thursday, December 20, 2012

    Newly Online from the Oriental Institute's Backlist

    Twenty-one more volumes from the Oriental Institute's backlist partially completing the online distribution of forty-one miscellaneous publications. Newly Online from the Oriental Institute's Backlist:
    In the next few day I will incorporate these titles into the list of all Oriental Institute publications available online:

    Wednesday, December 19, 2012

    Archaeological Site Looting: A Public Opinion Poll

    Archaeological Site Looting: A Public Opinion Poll

    The looting of archaeological sites undermines the preservation of cultural heritage. The survey below is a continuation of the open access article in the January 2013 issue by Blythe Bowman Proulx, "Archaeological Site Looting in 'Glocal' Perspective: Nature, Scope, and Frequency." You can contribute to this discussion by completing this survey.
    See also these other open access AJA articles on threats to cultural heritage:
     Click throgh to take the poll

    Dolgopolsky's Nostratic Dictionary Online (3rd edition)

    Nostratic Dictionary - Third Edition
    Dolgopolsky, Aharon
    Aharon Dolgopolsky was the leading authority on the Nostratic macrofamily. It is with great sadness that we announce that he passed away on 20 July 2012. His 'Nostratic Dictionary' presented here is, of course, something very much more than a dictionary. It is the most thorough and extensive demonstration and documentation so far of what may be termed the Nostratic hypothesis: that several of the world's best-known language families are related in their origin, their grammar and their lexicon, and that they belong together in a larger unit, of earlier origin, the Nostratic macrofamily. It should at once be noted that several elements of this enterprise are controversial. For while the Nostratic hypothesis has many supporters, it has been criticized on rather fundamental grounds by a number of distinguished linguists. The matter was reviewed some years ago in a symposium held at the McDonald Institute, and positions remain very much polarized. It was a result of that meeting that the decision was taken to invite Aharon Dolgopolsky to publish his Dictionary - a much more substantial treatise than any work hitherto undertaken on the subject - at the McDonald Institute. For it became clear that the diversities of view expressed at that symposium were not likely to be resolved by further polemical exchanges. Instead, a substantial body of data was required, whose examination and evaluation could subsequently lead to more mature judgments. Those data are presented here, and that more mature evaluation can now proceed. This edition is Dolgopolsky’s final one as submitted in January 2012. It is revised and augmented by the author but remains unedited and unproofed due to his unfortunate death.

    Tuesday, December 18, 2012

    Aerial Archaeology in Armenia

    Wings Over Armenia
    In 2002, ACE and the British Academy funded the launch of Wings over Armenia. The project aim is to support Armenian science and the introduction and development of aerial archaeology in Armenia. The first stage of the project took place in June 2002 when Rog Palmer and Hayk Hakobyan conducted ground reconnaissance of an area identified for study from the air. The aerial exploration itself was planned to take place in late-September and October 2002. At the time, Wings over Armenia had virtually no equipment to carry out its intended work. Fortunately the project was discovered by the British Council, an organization disseminating the United Kingdom’s experience and creative vision in science, arts and education. The British Council Office in Yerevan responded generously to a plea for funding and enabled the scientists to acquire a two-person paramotor (powered parawing) for aerial exploration. 

    Wings over Armenia is a pioneering programme within the states of the former Soviet Union. Its first stage will include systematic aerial survey and photography of the Kasach gorge area - 400 sq km of foothills and plains 20 km northwest of Yerevan. The project area includes known sites dating back as far as the Bronze Age, along with features such as field systems and road networks that can be effectively recorded from the air. Another element of the programme will be field visits to possible sites detected on 1970s satellite imagery [links to publications in AARGnews and Eurisy], and during the project’s own aerial survey. Results from Wings over Armenia will thus add immediately to the knowledge already known to Armenian archaeologists through field investigation and excavation.
    Aerial photographs taken during this first programme of survey will be used to:
    • supplement knowledge about known sites;
    • record new archaeological sites and landscapes;
    • geo-reference and map the recorded features; and
    • establish the beginnings of an archive of Armenian aerial imagery.

    Monday, December 17, 2012

    Open Access Journal: Pomoerium: Studia et Commentarii Ad Orbem Classicum Spectantia

    Pomoerium: Studia et Commentarii Ad Orbem Classicum Spectantia
    ISSN 0945-2354

    The project Pomoerium will focus on the achievements of classics-related sciences, and examine socio-economic and religious transformations, not as a stream of disjointed events, but as an intelligible and determinate process, whether involving a shorter or a longer time span.

    It constitutes the efforts to render accessible to the interested public hardly-known ideas, journals and books and aims to contribute to the exploration and understanding of religious and socio-economic processes in the classical antiquity and provide an interdisciplinary forum for the discussion of their various aspects.

    Finally it serves furthermore as a naturally forum for the presentation and discussion of noteworthy issues, including the presentation of minority or at times controversial points of view.
    See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

    Saturday, December 15, 2012

    Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG®) Updates

    Forty-four new works have been added to the TLG since mid July 2011
    0563 MAXIMUS Soph.
    002 Dissertationes 
    1747 VITA ADAM ET EVAE Hagiogr. et Apocryph.
    002 Vita Adam et Evae 
    2705 NICETAS DAVID Scr. Eccl., Gramm. et Phil.
    006 Encomium sancti Diomedis 
    2944 LEO VI SAPIENS Imperator Scr. Eccl., Phil. et Poeta
    007 Tactica 
    3028 Nilus DOXAPATRES Gramm. et Nomograph.
    001 Notitia patriarchatuum 
    3293 Franciscus PHILELPHUS Rhet.
    004 De psychagogia 
    3327 JOASAPH Ephesius Phil. et Scr. Eccl.
    002 Responsiones ad quaestiones presbyteri Georgii Drasini 003 Carmina in Joannem Notaram  004 Exegesis  005 Homilia in hymnum $*FW=S I(LARON& rogati Nili monachi scripta  006 Epistula Joasaphi ad Nilum 
    3359 NICETAS AMNIANUS Hagiogr.
    002 Vita Philareti Misericordis 
    3371 NARRATIONES ANIMAE UTILES Hagiogr., Biogr., Eccl. et Narr. Fict.
    001 De Monacho superbo (BHG 1450x) 
    4085 HESYCHIUS Lexicogr.
    001 Epistula ad Eulogium  002 Lexicon  003 Lexicon  004 Lexicon ($*P-*S&)  005 Lexicon ($*T-*W&) 
    4146 Maximus PLANUDES Theol. et Polyhist.
    025 Encomium sancti Diomedis 
    4157 JOANNES Sardianus Rhet.
    004 Commentarium in Aphthonii progymnasmata 
    4239 SEVERUS Soph.
    002 Narrationes vel $DIHGH/MATA&  003 Ethopoeiae 
    031 Vita Iasonis et Sosipatris  032 Passio sancti Christophori 
    001 Passio s. Georgii (e codice Atheniensi 343 collato Vaticano Palatino graeco 205, palimpsesto) 
    001 Passio sancti Eusignii 
    5135 VITAE ANDREAE SALI Hagiogr.
    001 Vita sancti Andreae sali (sub auctore Nicephoro)  002 Appendices vitae sancti Andreae sali (e codicibus variis) 
    001 Passio brevis (BHG 550) 
    001 Laudatio seu Passio (BHG 768a) 
    001 Passio sanctorum Adriani et Nataliae 
    001 Passio martyrum MIII Nicomediae 
    001 Passio sanctae Theodosiae m. Caesareae 
    001 Passio sancti Theodori Pergae in Pamphylia 
    001 Passio sancti Ananiae 
    001 Passio Menodorae, Metrodorae et Nymphodorae (BHG 1272z) 
    001 Passio sancti Theopompi et Theonae 
    001 Passio sancti Theodoreti Antiocheni (BHG 2425) 
    001 Passio sanctae Thoma�dae Lesbiae 
    9009 Michael APOSTOLIUS Paroemiogr.
    009 Sermo ad socerum 
    See more TLG News here



    Le site de l'archéogéographie est une réalisation du Groupe de Recherches du CNRS intitulé "Traité de l'ESpace des Sociétés Rurales Anciennes" (= GDR 2137, TESORA). Ce groupe, dont l'existence institutionnelle prend fin en 2007 après 8 années d'existence, a conçu et formalisé une discipline nouvelle nommée archéogéographie et rédigé le Traité d'archéogéographie qui lui sert de base (en cours de parution). 

    L'archéogéographie est enseignée à l'Université de Paris-I Sorbonne dans le cadre d'un Master “archéologie et environnement”, dont elle constitue une des quatre options. Les cours d'archéogéographie sont donnés par Gérard Chouquer, Magali Wateaux, Sandrine Robert. La direction de thèses sur des thèmes d'archéogéographie est assurée par Gérard Chouquer dans le cadre d'un Doctorat d'archéologie de l’École Doctorale d’Archéologie de l’Université de Paris I (ED 112). Certaines thèses sont encadrées en co-direction avec Joëlle Burnouf.

    À partir de l'année universitaire 2007-2008, l'archéogéographie est enseignée à Coimbra, dans le cadre d'un Master "Archéologie et territoires", Spécialisation Archéogéographie, et, à partir de 2008/2009 dans le cadre d'un Doctorat d'archéogéographie. L'encadrement des thèses du doctorat d'archéogéographie sera assurée par Maria da Conceição Lopes.
    Le responsable du site internet de l'archéogéographie est Gérard Chouquer, directeur de recherches au CNRS dans l'équipe Arscan ("Archéologie et Sciences de l'Antiquité" UMR 7041 du CNRS) et la sous-équipe "Archéologies environnementales" que dirige Joëlle Burnouf. 

    Friday, December 14, 2012

    The New Technologies for Aquileia Proceedings Online

    Proceedings of the Workshops on The New Technologies for Aquileia (TOCs follow below)

    The New Technologies for Aquileia 2012.
    Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on The New Technologies for Aquileia (NTA-2012), Aquileia, Italy, June 25, 2012.
    Edited by: Luigi Fozzati, Vito Roberto
    Submitted by: Vito Roberto
    Published on CEUR-WS: 14-Dec-2012
    URN: urn:nbn:de:0074-948-8
    ARCHIVE: ftp://SunSITE.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE/pub/publications/CEUR-WS/

    The New Technologies for Aquileia 2011.

    Proceedings of the 1st Workshop New Technologies for Aquileia (NTA-2011), Aquileia, Italy, May 2, 2011.
    Edited by: Vito Roberto
    Submitted by: Vito Roberto
    Published on CEUR-WS: 08-Nov-2011
    URN: urn:nbn:de:0074-806-8
    ARCHIVE: ftp://SunSITE.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE/pub/publications/CEUR-WS/

    Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on The New Technologies for Aquileia

    Aquileia, Italy, June 25, 2012.

    Edited by

    Luigi Fozzati  and Vito Roberto 

    Table of Contents

    Part I: Methods and Techniques

    Part II: Nondestructive Investigations

    Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on The New Technologies for Aquileia

    Aquileia, Italy, May 2, 2011

    Edited by:

    Vito Roberto

    Table of Contents

      Part I: Methods and Techniques

    1. Geophysical Prospection: a Powerful Non-destructive Research Method for the Detection, Mapping and Preservation of Monuments and Sites, B1-B9 Jörg W.E. Fassbinder
    2. Integrated Archaeological Investigations for the Study of the Greater Aquileia Area, C1-C11 Arianna Traviglia
    3. Sharing Data on the Aquileia Heritage: Proposals for a Research Project, D1-D9 Vito Roberto, Paolo Omero

    4. Part II: Landscape Investigations

    5. Integrated Geophysical Study of Archaeological Sites in the Aquileia Area, E1-E11 Emanuele Forte, Michele Pipan, Monica Sugan
    6. Aerial Photography and Archival Data: Some Examples of Combined Study in the Suburbium of Aquileia, F1-F8 Paola Ventura, Paola Maggi, Flaviana Oriolo
    7. Integrated Topographic, GNSS, Remote Sensing and GIS/WebGIS Techniques Applied to the Study of Aquileia River Port Structures, G1-G8 Raffaela Cefalo, Alexia Cociancich, Michele Di Bartolomeo, Francesca Ferro, Massimo Iansig, Giorgio Manzoni, Giulio Montagner
    8. Natural Phenomena and Anthropic Interventions: Remarks on the Landscape South of Aquileia in the Light of the Historical and Modern Cartography, H1-H8 Stefano Magnani
    9. New Acquisitions on the Aquileia’s Map Inside the Roman Walls and Surroundings, I1-I7 Maurizio Buora

    10. Part III: ICT for the Art Heritage

    11. ICT and Art Heritage: a Project of the University of Udine for the Dissemination of Knowledge, J1-J6 Donata Levi
    12. New Technologies for the ‘Great Baths’ of Aquileia: Results and Prospects, K1-K9 Marina Rubinich
    13. Surveying, Modeling and Navigating the Theodorian Mosaic Floor of the Aquileia Basilica, L1-L11
      Domenico Visintini

    CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( is a publication service of Sun SITE Central Europe operated under the umbrella of RWTH Aachen University with the support of Tilburg University. is a recognized ISSN publication series, ISSN 1613-0073.

    Newly Online from the Oriental Institute's Backlist

    Twenty-one more volumes of the series Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization (SAOC) are Newly Online from the Oriental Institute's Backlist:
    In the next few day I will incorporate these titles into the list of all Oriental Institute publications available online:

    Thursday, December 13, 2012

    Durham Dissertations Online

    Open access dissertations relating to antiquity in Durham e-Theses
    ALPASS, PETER,JOHN (2011) The Religious Life of Nabataea. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    ANDERSON, ARTHUR,WILLIAM (2012) Traditions and Transitions: Later and Roman Iron Age Communities in the North-East of England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    BARBER, HELEN,ESTHER (2011) Plautus and the Sentimental Ideal of the Roman Family. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    BERNOFSKY, KAREN,STACY (2010) Respiratory health in the past: a bioarchaeological study of chronic maxillary sinusitis and rib periostitis from the Iron Age to the Post Medieval Period in Southern England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    BERTINI, LOUISE,CATHERINE (2011) Changes in Suid and Caprine Husbandry Practices Throughout Dynastic Egypt Using Linear Enamel Hypoplasia (LEH). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    BLACKWELL, BENJAMIN,CAREY (2010) Christosis: Pauline Soteriology in Light of Deification in Irenaeus and Cyril of Alexandria. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    BLAIN, SOPHIE,EMILIE,LEA (2009) Ceramic building materials in early medieval churches in north-western France and south-eastern England. Application of luminescence dating to building archaeology. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    BOLD, RACHAEL (2012) Norse Utilisation of Archaeobotanical Resources within the Myvatnssveit locale, Northern Iceland. Masters thesis, Durham University.

    BRADBURY, JENNIE,NICOLE (2011) Landscapes of Burial? The Homs Basalt, Syria in the 4th-3rd millennia BC. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    BRIONES, DAVID,EMILIO (2011) Paul's Financial Policy: A Socio-Theological Approach. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    BRITTON, KATE,HELENA (2009) Multi-isotope analysis and the reconstruction of prey species palaeomigrations and palaeoecology. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    BROAD, WILLIAM,E,L (2012) What Led Jesus to be Called the Son of God? An Historical Investigation of how an Appellation of Alexander the Great and of the Roman Emperors came to be used of Jesus. Masters thesis, Durham University.

    BUSHUR, JAMES,GEORGE (2010) "Joining the End to the Beginning"
    Divine Providence and the Interpretation of Scripture in the Teaching of Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons.
    Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


    CHRYSOVERGI, MARIA (2011) Attitudes towards the Use of Medicine in Jewish Literature from the Third and Second Centuries BCE. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    CLAVIER, MARK,FORBES,MORETON (2011) Eloquent Wisdom: The Role of Rhetoric and Delight in the Theology of Saint Augustine of Hippo. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    Clough, Emma Elizabeth (2004) In search of Xerxes: images of the Persian king. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    COONEY, WILLIAM (2011) Egypt’s encounter with the West: Race, Culture and Identity. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    DREW, CARRIE ANN (2010) Pigs from six medieval sites in Flanders: A multiple methodological approach to the study of their husbandry development. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    DUNSON, BEN,CLARK (2011) Individual and Community in Paul's Letter to the Romans. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    Embry, Bradley Jason (2005) Psalms of assurance: an analysis of the formation and function of Psalms of Solomon in Second Temple Judaism. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


    GABER, AMR (2009) The Central Hall in the Egyptian Temples of the Ptolemaic Period. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    GOODRICH, JOHN,KENNETH (2010) Paul, the Oikonomos of God: Paul's Apostolic Metaphor in 1 Corinthians and its Graeco-Roman Context. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    GRAINGER, SCOTT (2009) Development of techniques for high-resolution spatially-resolved elemental analysis in materials of interest in luminescence dating. Masters thesis, Durham University.

    GURLING, THOMAS (2009) Luminescence Dating of Medieval and Early Modern Brickwork. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    HARTIS, RICHARD,GEOFFREY (2010) Beyond Functionalism: A Quantitative Survey and Semiotic Reading of Hadrian's Wall. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    Häuser, Götz Ludwig (1992) Communion with Christ and Christian community in 1 Corinthians: a study of Paul's concept of Koinonia. Masters thesis, Durham University.

    HAYASE, ATSUSHI (2010) Plato's Later Dialectic. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    HILL, WESLEY,ALLEN (2012) Paul and the Triune Identity: Rereading Paul's God-, Christ-, and Spirit-Language in Conversation with Trinitarian Theologies of Persons and Relations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    Hilke, Hartmut (1993) The ideas of "predestination" and "election" in Pauline thought. Masters thesis, Durham University.

    HOCH, BRIAN,THOMAS (2010) The Year of Jubilee and Old Testament Ethics:
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    Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    HOLDSWORTH, BENJAMIN,EVANS (2009) Reading Romans in Rome:A Reception of Romans in the Roman Context of Ethnicity and Faith. Doctoral thesis, Durham University. 

    HUCKLESBY, CLARE,LOUISE (2008) An Anthropology of Conservation. Masters thesis, Durham University.

    HUTTON, GILLIAN,MARIA (2011) Roads and Routeways in County Durham: 1530-1730. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


    JENNINGS, JAIME,DORIS (2010) Stress Along the Medieval Anglo-Scottish Border? Skeletal Indicators of Conflict-Zone Health. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    JOHNSON, BEN,JM (2012) A Reading of the David and Goliath Narrative in Greek and Hebrew. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


    LANKESTER, FRANCIS,DAVID (2012) Predynastic & Pharaonic era Rock-Art in
    Egypt’s Central Eastern Desert: Distribution, Dating & Interpretation.
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    LEE, YOON CHEOL (2012) A Study On Protagorean Objectivism. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    LEWIS, DAVID,MARTIN (2011) Greek Slavery in a Near Eastern Context: A Comparative Study of the Legal and Economic Distinctiveness of Greek Slave Systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


    MANIOTI, NIKOLETTA (2012) All-Female Family Bonds in Latin Epic. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    MARSHALL, JENNY,LEE (2012) Missing Links:Demic Diffusion and the Development of Agriculture on the Central Iranian Plateau. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


    MATHEW, SUSAN (2010) Women in the Greetings of Rom 16:1-16: A Study of Mutuality and Women's Ministry in the Letter to the Romans. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    MATHEWS, MARK DEWAYNE (2010) Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    MCCARRISON, KIRSTY,ELIZABETH (2012) Exploring Prehistoric Tuberculosis in Britain: A Combined Macroscopic and Biomolecular Approach. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    MEDDA, ROBERTO (2009) Aristotle’s On Memory and Recollection:Concepts, Sources, and Innovations of Aristotle’s Account of Mnemonic Capacities and Activities. Masters thesis, Durham University. 

    MIHOC, JUSTIN,ALEXANDRU (2010) The Ascension of Jesus Christ:
    A Critical and Exegetical Study of the Ascension in Luke-Acts and in the Jewish and Christian Contexts.
    Masters thesis, Durham University.

    MORLAN, DAVID,SCOTT (2010) Conversion in Luke and Paul: Some Exegetical and Theological Explorations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


    NISHITANI, AKIRA (2012) Typological Classification and the Chronology of Iron Age pottery in central-southern Britain. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    OOI, VINCENT,KEAN,HONG (2011) Scripture and Its Readers: Readings of Israel’s Story in Nehemiah 9:6 – 37, Ezekiel 20:5 – 31 and Acts 7:2 – 60. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    ORR, PETER,CHRISTIAN (2011) Christ Absent and Present: A Study in Pauline Christology. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    PIERCE, CHAD (2009) Spirits and the Proclamation of Christ: 1 Peter 3:18-22 in Its Tradition-Historical and Literary Context. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    PONCE, PAOLA,VANESA (2010) A comparative study of activity-related skeletal changes in 3rd-2nd millennium BC coastal fishers and 1st millenium AD inland agriculturists in Chile, South America. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    RUCKERT, JULIA,MARGARETA,MARIA (2011) Romans and Goths in late antique Gaul: asepcts of political and cultural assimilation in the Fifth Century AD. Masters thesis, Durham University.

    SALEM, CLAIRE,ELAYNE (2010) Sanity, Insanity, and Man’s Being as Understood by St. John Chrysostom. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    SCHWAB, ZOLTAN (2011) A Theological Interpretation of the Book of Proverbs. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    SCOTT, MATTHEW (2010) The Renewal of Song: Metalepsis and the Christological Revision of Psalmody in Paul. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    SHEPHERD, CHARLES,EARL (2012) Theological Interpretation and Isaiah 53: A Study of Bernhard Duhm, Brevard Childs, and Alec Motyer. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    SHERWOOD, AARON (2010) THE RESTORATION OF HUMANITY: Temple Cosmology, Worship and Israel-Nations Unification in Biblical, Second Temple and Pauline Traditions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    Steer, K. A. (1938) The archaeology of Roman Durham. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    STRICKLAND, KEIR,MAGALIE (2011) The Jungle Tide:“Collapse” in Early Mediaeval Sri Lanka. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    SUZUKI, YUMI (2012) The Underlying Paradox of Plato’s Meno 80d5-e5. Masters thesis, Durham University.

    SZECHY, CSILLA (2009) Reading Ezra 9-10 as Christian Scripture. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    TOMITA, YUJI (2012) Christ as the Covenant: Justin Martyr's Interpretation of the New Covenant in Jeremiah 31.31-32. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    UPEX, BETHAN,ROSEMARY (2009) Enamel hypoplasia in modern and archaeological caprine populations:The development and application of a new methodological approach. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
    VILLALOBOS ACOSTA, CESAR (2011) Archaeology in Circulation: Nationalism and Tourism in Post-Revolutionary Mexican Coins, Notes, Stamps and Guidebooks. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    WAGSCHAL, DAVID FERGUSON (2010) The Nature of Law and Legality in the Byzantine Canonical Collections 381-883. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    WEDDLE, POLLY (2010) Touching the Gods: physical interaction with cult statues in the Roman world. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    WELLS, KYLE,BRANDON (2010) Grace, Obedience, and the Hermeneutics of Agency: Paul and his Jewish Contemporaries on the Transformation of the Heart. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    WILDISH, MARK (2012) Hieroglyphic Semantics in Late Antiquity. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    WILKINSON, JENNIFER (2012) Mark and his Gentile Audience: A Traditio-Historical and Socio-Cultural Investigation of Mk 4.35-9.29 and its Interface with Gentile Polytheism in the Roman Near East. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    WINDSOR, LIONEL JAMES (2012) Paul and the Vocation of Israel: How Paul's Jewish Identity Informs his Apostolic Ministry, with Special Reference to Romans. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    WORTHINGTON, JONATHAN,DAVID (2010) The Beginning and Before: Interpreting Creation in Paul and Philo. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

    ZECHER, JONATHAN,L (2011) The Symbolics of Death and the Construction of Christian Asceticism:Greek Patristic Voices from the Fourth through Seventh Centuries. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.