Open Access Publications of Emanuel Tov
Sources: Books are presented here as they appear in public domain websites. In addition, Scribal Practices 1-2 and all the papers present PDF files of the manuscripts submitted to the respective publishers. In all these cases minute changes have been inserted in the printed versions. Words in pink refer to changes subsequent to the publication.
Hebrew: The files included in this website were first recorded in different versions of MS-Word, and then converted to MS-Word 2004. In the wake of this conversion a few Hebrew word pairs now appear in the wrong order.
Books written or edited
- Books by E. Tov available at Amazon
- Sha'arey Talmon
- Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible, Second Edition, 2002
- Scribal Practices and Approaches
- Emanuel, Studies ... In Honor of Emanuel Tov
- Hebrew Bible, Greek Bible and Qumran
- The Greek and Hebrew Bible
- scribal-practices1.pdf
- scribal-practices2.pdf
- books.CATSS2.pdf
- Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible, Third Edition, 2012 (link 1)
- Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible, Third Edition, 2012 (link 2)
- Classified Bibliography of Lex. and Gramm. Studies on the Language of the LXX
- 1 (נוסח המקרא, פרקי מבוא (מהדורה שנייה מורחבת ומתוקנת, ירושלים: מוסד ביאליק, תשע"ד 2013
- 2 (נוסח המקרא, פרקי מבוא (מהדורה שנייה מורחבת ומתוקנת, ירושלים: מוסד ביאליק, תשע"ד 2013
- Sept-Transl-of-Jer-and-Baruch-1976
Collected Papers 1999 - The Greek and Hebrew Bible
- 0.bibliobook.1999.pdf
- 01.prelimss.1999.pdf
- 1.rabb.trad.1999.pdf
- 4.glosses.1999.pdf
- 6.Dimensions.1999.pdf
- 8.greek words.1999.pdf
- 14.understand.1999.pdf
- 16.trans.techn.1999.pdf
- 17.Infin.1999.pdf
- 19.4QSam-a.1999.pdf
- 22.exeg-notes.1999.pdf
- 23.1 Sam17.1999.pdf
- 24.jer.1999.pdf
- 27.sequence.1999.pdf
- 28.prov.1999.pdf
- 29.Sg-Hannah.1999.pdf
- 31.Lucian.1999.pdf
- 32.methodology.1999.pdf
- 37.esth.1999.pdf
- 38.Miscell.1999.pdf
Collected Papers 2008 - Hebrew Bible, Greek Bible and Qumran
- 00i.prelimss.2008.pdf
- 00iii.biblio.2008.pdf
- 01.barr.2008.pdf
- 02.Deut12.2008.pdf
- 03.synopsis.2008.pdf
- 04.excerpts.2008.pdf
- 05.isaiah.2008.pdf
- 06.rewritMSS.2008.pdf
- 07.josh.2008.pdf
- 09.copying.2008.pdf
- 10.bibletexts.2008.pdf
- 11.large-scalediffs.2008.pdf
- 12.synagogue.2008.pdf
- 14.KetivQ.tue2008.pdf
- 15.shape.2008.pdf
- 16.dss-edit.2008.pdf
- 17.comp.2008.pdf
- 18.Bible.ed.2008.pdf
- 19.harm-deut.2008.pdf
- 205.threestr.2008.pdf
- 21.hatch-redp-2008.pdf
- 22.approach2008.pdf
- 23.Greek.2008.pdf
- 24.rabbis-2008.pdf
- 25.etym-2008.pdf
- 26.LXXandDtr.2008.pdf
- 27.Cave11.2008.pdf
- 28.qum.cps.2008.pdf
- B. BARRY LEVY, Fixing God’s Torah: The Accuracy of the Hebrew Bible in Jewish Law
- John Marco Allegro, The Maverick of the Dead Sea Scrolls
- C. D. Elledge, The Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls
- Edward D. Herbert, Reconstructing Biblical Dead Sea Scrolls—A New Method Applied to the Reconstruction of 4QSama
- Kjell Hognesius, The Text of 2 Chronicles 1–16, A Critical Edition with Textual Commentary
- Bernard A. Taylor, The Lucianic Manuscripts of 1 Reigns, Volume 1, Majority Text, Volume 2, Analysis
- J. N. Bremmer and F. García Martínez, eds., Sacred History and Sacred Texts in Early Judaism. A Symposium in Honour of A. S. van der Woude
- Biblia Hebraica Quinta, vol. 7, Judges (ed. Natalio Fernández Marcos; Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2011) in Sefarad 72 (2012) 483–89
Varia (the numbers refer to the bibliography
- book.ed.29.intro-djd-xxxix.varia.pdf
- 006. Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible, History of Text
- 0010. Understanding the Text of the Bible 65 Years after
- 67. Proto-Samaritan Texts and the Samaritan Pentateuch
- 118.DJD-milik.varia.pdf
- 148.dss israeli schol.varia.pdf
- 155a. Fünf Jahrzehnte Erforschung der Rollen vom Toten Meer
- 157. Die biblischen Handschriften aus der Wüste Juda
- 184a.varia.ortho-dss.pdf
- 193.varia.eval-rabbis.pdf
- 195.varia.scripture-edd.pdf
- 197a.varia.biliteral-exegesis.pdf
- 198.dimant-descr-engl.varia.pdf
- 198a. Devorah Dimant’s Scholarship: An Overview (Hebrew)
- 199.3Kingdoms.varia.pdf
- 200.varia.bibl-interpr.pdf
- 202.lxx.intro.short.varia.pdf
- 203.varia.three-strange-books.pdf
- 204.varia.est-lxx.pdf
- 205.Sollamo2.varia.pdf
- 205. A Textual-Exegetical Commentary on Three Chapters in the Septuagint
- 206. The Many Forms of Hebrew Scripture: Reflections in Light of the LXX and 4QReworked Pentateuch
- 206a. Reflections on the Many Forms of Hebrew Scripture in Light of the LXX and 4QReworked Pentateuch
- 209.varia.diff-groups_1.pdf
- 210.varia.harmonizations-deut.pdf
- 211a.mikriut-heb.varia.pdf
- 212a.varia.sciences.pdf
- 215. Reflections on the Septuagint with Special Attention Paid to the Post-Pentateuchal Translations
- 215a.varia.hirhurim.PDF
- 216. From 4QReworked Pentateuch to 4QPentateuch (?)
- 218.varia.memoirs-ETov.pdf
- 220.varia.Assyria.pdf
- 224a. The Scribal and Textual Transmission of the Torah Analyzed in Light of Its Sanctity
- 225a.varia.aramaic-syriac.PDF
- 226. Der Charakter der hebräischen Quellen der Septuaginta
- 229a.varia.samchut.pdf
- 230. A Didactic Approach to the Biblical Dead Sea Scrolls
- 230a. Une approche didactique des manuscripts bibliques de la Mer Morte
- 242.varia.text.theory.pdf
- 246.varia.editions-corr.pdf
- 256. New Fragments of Amos
- 259. Searching for the ‘Original’ Bible: Do the Dead Sea Scrolls Help
- 263. The Reading Tradition of the MT Group Compared with That of the Septuagint
- 264. Some Aspects of the Textual History of the Torah
- 266. New Editions of the Hebrew Scriptures: A Response
- 268. The Source of Source Criticism: The Relevance of Non-Masoretic Textual Witnesses
- 269. Scribal Practices and Approaches Revisited
- 270. Θεολογία εν τη Μεταφρασει των Ο, (Theology in the LXX), Vetus Testamentum et Hellas 2 (2015): 1 – 14 (in modern Greek)
- 271. Hebrew Textual Witnesses (in Georgian)
- 272. The Septuagint in Codex Sinaiticus Compared with Other Sources
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