Sunday, June 16, 2024

Palaeoportology, Ancient Coastal settlements, Ports and Harbours

 Palaeoportology, Ancient Coastal settlements, Ports and Harbours

Palaeoportology, Ancient Coastal settlements, Ports and Harbours, Vol. I – The Catalogue of ancient ports
A. de Graauw, 2024. This document is the base of this web site (EN, 343 p, 6 Mb).
If you downloaded the first edition (2011), or the second (2012) or third edition (2013), or fourth edition (2014), or fifth edition (2016), or sixth edition (2017), or seventh edition (2020), or eighth edition (2022), please replace it by this ninth edition.
An Excel version of this list of ancient ports was published and you can download the latest updated database as an xls table.
You can also download the whole set of kml files for better visualisation on Google Earth.

Palaeoportology, Ancient Coastal settlements, Ports and Harbours, Vol. II – Citations of ancient authors on ancient ports.
A. de Graauw, 2024. Texts, inscription and papyri on ports by ancient authors (FR, 837 p, 30 Mb).

Palaeoportology, Ancient Coastal settlements, Ports and Harbours, Vol. III – Ancient port structures.
A. de Graauw, 2024. Some thoughts on the design of several ancient ports (Actium, Alexandria, Apollonia, the Bosphorus, Caesarea Maritima, Carthage, Centumcellae, Delos, El Hanieh, Leptis Magna, Marius’ canal, Narbonne, the Nile Delta, Nirou Khani, Portus, Pisa, Puteoli, Sharm Yanbu-Charmothas, Thapsus, Tyre);
A list of around 200 proposed locations for potential ancient harbours;
Some comments on ancient port structures, like Vitruvius’ methods, failure of breakwaters and breakwater remains, design waves, reinforced concrete, arched breakwaters, pierced stones, harbour silting-up;
Some notes on ancient merchant ships and galleys, sailing techniques and Mediterranean sailing routes;
Some thoughts about ancient trade networks and intermodal hubs;
Some remarks on ancient maps, on ancient measures and ancient climate, including earthquakes and tsunamis. (EN, 508 p, 80 Mb)

Palaeoportology, Ancient Coastal settlements, Ports and Harbours, Vol. IV – Stories of ancient sailors.
A. de Graauw, 2024. Twenty-four stories of ancient sailors (FR, 78 p,  3 Mb).


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