Thursday, June 20, 2024

Open Access Journal: Gallia

 [First posted in AWOL 8 December 2009, updated 20 June 2024]

eISSN - 2109-9588
Créée en 1942 par le CNRS, Gallia est la revue de référence de l’archéologie nationale. Son champ chronologique couvre la Protohistoire, depuis le premier âge du Fer, l’Antiquité et l’Antiquité tardive jusqu’à la fin des royaumes mérovingiens. Son champ géographique est celui de l’ancien espace « gaulois », correspondant aux provinces romaines des Trois Gaules, de la Narbonnaise et des Germanies, ainsi que les territoires immédiatement limitrophes qui participent à leur destinée. En ce sens, Gallia accueille des articles, en français ou en anglais, sur des sites ou des découvertes majeures en France, mais aussi dans les pays voisins si leur intérêt concerne la Gaule en général.
La revue est soutenue par le ministère de la Culture et le CNRS.
Created in 1942 by the National Center for Scientific Research, Gallia is the leading journal in the field of French archaeology. The journal publishes in-depth articles about ancient Gaul, from the Early Iron Age, Antiquity to the end of the Merovingian kingdoms. The geographical field encompasses the former Gallic space: the Roman provinces of the Tres Gallia (Three Gauls), the Narbonensis, the Germanies, as well as immediately bordering territories which participate in their fate. The journal welcomes articles, written in English or French, on sites or major discoveries in France but also in the nearby countries.
The Journal is supported by the French Ministry of Culture and the National Center for Scientific Research.

Tous les numéros


  1. Charles:

    Am not seeing contact info, so will just post here.

    Have you advertised BiBL yet? It's the old Biblia Patristica, plus some. As in print, so also here: in progress:

    THANKS SO MUCH for AWOL, by the way!!!

    Steve Perisho
    Theology/Humanities/Fine Arts Librarian
    Seattle Pacific University

  2. Thanks Steve! As you probably know BIBLindex is in Abzu (, but I had not yet announced it in AWOL. I will do so tomorrow.

    And I guess I need to have a contact point somewhere on AWOL.

  3. Thanks! I hadn't noticed it there. You're way ahead of me.
