Friday, May 31, 2024

Open Access Journal: HIPHIL Novum

[First posted in AWOL  30 February 2013, updated 31 May 2024 (new URLs)]

HIPHIL Novum: Journal for Bible and Digital Resources
ISSN: 1603-6565

HIPHIL Novum publishes articles that investigate biblical linguistics to advance exegesis and translation. It welcomes contributions from new and established scholars. Submissions are welcome in any of the following categories:

  • papers with introductions to their topic and novel findings - maximum 8,000 words inclusive of tables, figure captions, footnotes, but exclusive of bibliography.
  • short papers intended to announce significant findings of international relevance, present ground-breaking research ideas, or summarize PhD dissertations. A short paper should be no longer than 2,500 words, inclusive of tables, figure captions, footnotes, but exclusive of bibliography.
  • conference papers that have been delivered and well-received on significant international conferences. A conference paper should be no longer than 8,000 words, inclusive of tables, figure captions, footnotes, but exclusive of bibliography.

Papers are welcome in any area of biblical linguistics, for example:

  • translation issues, textual variants and emendations, scribal habits, textual history
  • language use in extra-biblical texts, dialects and language development, comparative linguistics, intertextualit
  • syntax analysis, cognitive linguistics, rhetorical-structural analysis, functional-discourse analysis, stylometry, comparative syntax
  • verbal aspect, metaphors, idioms, semantic ranges, contextual markers, morphological nuances and ambiguities, comparative semantics
  • evaluating new and established methodologies, new AI-based techniques, computational linguistics, creating or investigating datasets

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