Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Open access books and articles on Mesopotamian mathematics by Christine Proust

Christine PROUST, équipe REHSEIS, Unité SPHERE (CNRS, Université Diderot Paris 7)


[2007] Tablettes mathématiques de Nippur. Varia Anatolica, diffusion De Boccard, Istanbul .
Livre complet en français
Photos (CDLI)
Review Duncan J. Melville (2008), Aestimatio 5: 23-33.

[2008] (avec la collaboration de Manfred Krebernik et Joachim Oelsner) Tablettes mathématiques de la collection Hilprecht. Texte und Materialen der Frau Professor Hilprecht Collection vol. 8, Harrassowitz Verlag, Leipzig.
Preprint (texte seulement)
Photos (CDLI)

[2000] La multiplication babylonienne : la part non écrite du calcul, Revue d’histoire des mathématiques 6, Société Mathématique de France, p. 1001-1011.
Article en français
Résumé en français et en anglais
Review Jens Hoyrup (2002), Mathematical Reviews on the Web, MR1858598 (2002i:01004)

[2002] Numération centésimale de position à Mari, Florilegium Marianum VI, p. 513-516.
Preprint en français

[2005] A propos d'un prisme du Louvre: aspects de l'enseignement des mathématiques en Mésopotamie. SCIAMVS 6, p. 3-32.
Article en français.
Planches et photos

[2008] Les listes et tables métrologiques, entre mathématiques et lexicographie, dans Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale held at the University of Chicago, July 18-22, 2005. Lexicography, Philology, and Textual Studies eds. Robert Biggs, Jennie Myers & Martha Roth, Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale held at the University of Chicago, July 18-22, 2005. Lexicography, Philology, and Textual Studies Studies , Ancient Oriental Civilization 62, Chicago, pp. 137-153.
Article en français.
Livre complet

[2008] Les mathématiques, dans P. Bordreuil, F. Briquel-Chatonnet & C. Michel (éd.), Les Débuts de l'Histoire, Editions La Martinière, p. 285-289.
Article en français.

[2008] Quantifier et calculer: usages des nombres à Nippur, Revue d’Histoire des Mathématiques 14, Société Mathématique de France, p. 1-47.
Preprint en français

[2009] Numerical and metrological graphemes: from cuneiform to transliteration, Cuneiform Digital Library Journal 2009:1

Web Pages
[2006] Chronologie des mathématiques en Mésopotamie CultureMATH (ENS Ulm / DGESCO).
[2006] Les numérations anciennes CultureMATH (ENS Ulm / DGESCO)
[2005] Le calcul sexagésimal en Mésopotamie, CultureMATH (ENS Ulm / DGESCO).

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oriental Institute Open Access Publications in 2009

The Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago is a leader in open access publishing of scholarly work on the Ancient World. In 2009 they published some 114 titles online, many of which are long out of print, rare, and hard to find. These are listed below in the order in which they appeared online, earliest at the top. The Electronic Publications Initiative of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago outlines the forward thinking policies which guide this effort.

For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see AWOL - The Ancient World Online - 2: The Oriental Institute Electronic Publications Initiative. All told, nearly two hundred fifty volumes are now accessible.

Newly Published in 2009: Print + Digital Publications
[5 titles]

Newly Published in 2009: Born Digital Publications

[3 titles]

Republished online in 2009

[106 titles]

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Thirty-Five Additional Open Access Archaeology Journals

  1. Boletín do Museo Provincial de Lugo
  2. Boletín Museo de Arqueología y Antropología
  3. British Archaeology
  4. Bulletin Archéologique de l' Association Bretonne
  5. Bulletin de la Société d' Archéologie et d' Histoire de la Moselle
  6. Bulletin de la Société Historique et Archéologique du Périgord (Ältere Jahrgänge)
  7. Bulletin & Mémoires de la Société Archéologique et Historique de l'Arrondissement de Pontoise et du Vexin
  8. Bulletin Mensuel de la Société d'Archéologie Lorraine et du Musée Historique Lorrain
  9. Bulletins et Mémoires / Société Archéologique et Historique de la Charente (Älterer Jahrgang)
  10. CAPA: Cadernos de Arqueoloxía e Patrimonio
  11. CBA Research Reports
  12. Ciudad Virtual de Antropologia y Arqueologia
  13. Cronica cercetărilor arheologice din România, 1983 - 2010. Rapoarte preliminare de cercetare arheologică
  14. Cyberarqueólogo Português
  15. Faykag: Revista Canaria de Arqueologia
  16. Histara - Les Comptes Rendus
  17. Instrumentum: Bulletin du Groupe de Travail Européen sur l'Artisanat et les Productions Manufacturées dans l'Antiquité
  18. IOUDAIOS Review
  19. Jahr-Buch der Gesellschaft für Lothringische Geschichte und Altertumskunde / Annuaire de la Societe d´Histoire et d´ Archeologie Lorraine
  20. Living Past: A Challenge for a Better Archaeology
  21. Mémoires de la Société d'Archéologie et d'Histoire de la Moselle
  22. Mémoires de la Société d'Archéologie Lorraine
  23. Pays Lorrain, Le: Journal de la Société d'Archéologie Lorraine et du Musée Historique Lorrain (Ältere Jahrgänge)
  24. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
  25. Recueil de Documents sur l´ Histoire de Lorraine
  26. Revista Atlántica-Mediterránea de Prehistoria y Arqueología Social
  27. Revista de Estudios Ibéricos (REIb)
  28. Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia
  29. Revue d' Archéologie Générale
  30. Revue Historique et Archéologique du Maine (Ältere Jahrgänge)
  31. Société Archéologique de Bordeaux (Ältere Jahrgänge)
  32. Trabalhos de Arqueologia da E.A.M.
  33. Vegueta: Anuario de la Facultad de Geografia e Historia
  34. Vita Antiqua
  35. Vostocnoevropejskij Archeologiceskij Zurnal = East-European Archaeological Journal
See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Open Access Journal: Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions

Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions
Fondée en 1956 sous l’égide du CNRS, Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions est désormais publiée par les Éditions de l’EHESS.

La revue s’assigne trois objectifs :

- promouvoir une perspective comparative, élargie à toutes les religions, et à toutes les aires culturelles ;

- favoriser une coopération de toutes les sciences sociales aux fins d’éclairer les facettes multiples du phénomène religieux;

- accueillir l’exposé des réflexions méthodologiques et théoriques sur les objets de la recherche.

L’effervescence de l’actualité religieuse et la globalisation des formes de religiosité conduisent plus que jamais les sciences sociales à interroger leurs frontières disciplinaires et à mettre à l’épreuve leurs paradigmes du fait religieux.

Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions publie alternativement des numéros thématiques et des synthèses bibliographiques. Elle accueille – en français, en anglais, et en espagnol – des articles témoignant des recherches les plus avancées en ce domaine, en France et à l’étranger.

Numéros thématiques
147 (2009)
146 (2009)
145 (2009)
143 (2008)
141 (2008)
139 (2007)

Texte intégral
136 (2006)
135 (2006)
133 (2006)
130 (2005)
129 (2005)
127 (2004)
125 (2004)
121 (2003)
117 (2002)
115 (2001)
112 (2000)
109 (2000)

Varia et bibliographies
144 (2008)
142 (2008)
140 (2007)
138 (2007)
137 (2007)

Texte intégral
134 (2006)
131-132 (2005)
128 (2004)
126 (2004)
124 (2003)
123 (2003)
122 (2003)
120 (2002)
119 (2002)
118 (2002)
116 (2001)
114 (2001)
113 (2001)
111 (2000)
110 (2000)

Bulletin bibliographique
Texte intégral
148 (2009)

Texte intégral sur Persée - no 1 à 108

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

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Friday, January 22, 2010


OCLC issued this news release last week:

DUBLIN, Ohio, USA, 15 January 2010—Authenticated scholars and researchers with online access to full-text content in JSTOR can now locate and connect to articles through

Over 4.5 million JSTOR article-level records from more than 1,000 journals, selected monographs, and other scholarly content are now indexed in, the Web destination for discovery of materials in libraries worldwide. JSTOR records are delivered in search results. Scholars and researchers using can now identify content in JSTOR and connect to the full-text using the authorization provided by their library.

“JSTOR is invaluable for researchers and scholars around the world,” said Jay Jordan, OCLC President and CEO. “OCLC is honored to partner with JSTOR in this endeavor, which will significantly increase the visibility and availability of these digital resources via the Internet. This is an important advance for the international scholarly community.” is a Web destination with search and social networking features that allow information seekers to discover, localize, and personalize content from local collections and those of more than 10,000 WorldCat libraries worldwide. indexing of JSTOR metadata helps researchers easily identify resources in the collection alongside other materials relevant to their work. An authorization is required for access to full-text materials in JSTOR.

“Users want to access important scholarly content in myriad ways,” said Michael Spinella, JSTOR Managing Director. “Millions of users around the world will now be able to locate the content in JSTOR licensed by their libraries quickly and easily. This is a fantastic development that we believe will serve OCLC member libraries and their communities well.”

WorldCat is the world’s largest database of bibliographic information built continuously by libraries around the world since 1971. Each record in the WorldCat database contains a bibliographic description of a single item or work and a list of institutions that hold the item. The institutions share these records, using them to create local catalogs, arrange interlibrary loans and conduct reference work.

There are now more than 165 million records in WorldCat spanning five millennia of recorded knowledge. Like the knowledge it describes, WorldCat grows steadily. Every second, OCLC and its member libraries add seven records to WorldCat.


JSTOR is a preservation archive and research platform for the academic community. Through JSTOR, faculty, researchers, and students are able to discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive of over 1,000 academic journals, as well as conference proceedings, monographs, and other scholarly content. More than 6,000 libraries and cultural heritage institutions and hundreds of the world’s leading publishers of scholarly literature participate in and support JSTOR. JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization helping the academic community use digital technologies to advance scholarship and teaching in sustainable ways. ITHAKA also includes two additional services—Ithaka S+R and Portico.

About OCLC

Founded in 1967, OCLC is a nonprofit, membership, computer library service and research organization dedicated to the public purposes of furthering access to the world’s information and reducing library costs. More than 72,000 libraries in 112 countries have used OCLC services to locate, acquire, catalog, lend, preserve and manage library materials. Researchers, students, faculty, scholars, professional librarians and other information seekers use OCLC services to obtain bibliographic, abstract and full-text information when and where they need it. OCLC and its member libraries cooperatively produce and maintain WorldCat, the world’s largest online database for discovery of library resources. Search WorldCat on the Web.

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AWOL administrative note

Two pieces of information.

1) For those of you who read AWOL via the feedburner email function. Feedburner does not always reproduce the headers of each item included in a message, so scrolling to see what might be below the fold is useful.

2) For those of you who read AWOL via newsreader, aggregator, or other social media use of the feed. You can subscribe by email if you wish. Click through to the AWOL url ( and fill in you email address in the form provided in the sidebar there. AWOL by email is delivered once a day, in the early afternoon NY time. 847 email addresses are subscribed at this moment.


Administrative notes with user statistics have been posted in March 2012, November 2011, October 2011July 2011, April 2011, January 2011December 2010October 2010, August 2010July 2010, May 2010, and  January 2010.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Assistance needed to understand the needs and requirements of a digital library of Arabic manuscripts

Sulieman Alshuhri is a Ph.D student at University of Strathclyde in the department of Computer and information Science. He is conducting research towards the establishment of a digital library of Arabic manuscripts. He is the author of the Arabic Digital Library blog.

In aid of his research he is asking for assistance:

Dear participant,

I am glad to invite you to participate in this questionnaire to discover the needs and requirements of a digital library of Arabic manuscripts of Arabic manuscriptologists and those who have a related interest in this field (e.g. librarians, information specialist).
English online questionnaire is available on one of the following URLs:

Arabic online questionnaire is available on one of the following URLs:

If you know anyone else who would be suitable for answering this questionnaire, I would grateful if you could send it to him/her.
Thank you in advance;
Sulieman Alshuhri

I urge those of you with interests in this area to complete the questionnaire.

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ancient North Africa

The website, provides open access to a wide variety of publications on Algeria in particular and North Africa in general. In addition to the long run of Revue Africaine already cited in AWOL, publications relating to the ancient world include the monumental work of Stéphane Gsell:


Survolez l'image de votre choix pour voir une description du livre correspondant, et cliquez si vous voulez le télécharger.

GSELL (Stéphane), archéologue et historien Français (Paris 1864 -id. 1932). Élève de l'École normale supérieure (1883), membre de l'École française de Rome, il exécuta les Premières fouilles méthodiques dans la nécropole étrusque de Vulci, Nommé professeur à l’École supérieure des lettres d'Alger, il opéra des fouilles fructueuses à Tipasa et explora plusieurs régions de l'Algérie. Il fut inspecteur des antiquités de l'Algérie, directeur du musée d'Alger, professeur au Collège de France. Son œuvre capitale est l'Histoire ancienne de l’Afrique du Nord (1913 à 1929. citons encore : Fouille dans la nécropole de Vulci (1892), Essai sur le règne de l’empereur Domitien (1893), %Monuments antiques de l’Algérie (2 vol. ; 1901), Atlas archéologique de l’Algérie (1902-1911), Promenades archéologiques aux environs d’Alger (1926). [Académie des inscriptions, 1923.]

Those readers interested in later periods would do well to consult the other links at the site:

Annales Algériennes

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

On the SBL's new Online Open Access Ancient Near East Monograph Series

Why You Should Submit Your Manuscript or Proposal to the Online, Open-Access Ancient Near East Monograph Series
Alan Lenzi in SBL Forum (January 2010).
Many SBL Forum readers will have heard about a new online, open-access monograph series. It is called Ancient Near East Monographs / Monografías sobre el Antiguo Cercano OrienteInternational Cooperation Initiative. This new peer-reviewed series publishes volumes on any aspect of the ancient Near East from the Neolithic to the early Hellenistic eras, including works on ancient Israel and the Hebrew Bible. The open-access nature of the series means that it is globally available. Moreover, it publishes volumes in English and Spanish and some of its English volumes will be translated into Spanish to reach an even wider readership—the series is a joint project of the SBL and the Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente (CEHAO) of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina. The same scholarly standards that apply to any SBL series apply to ANEM/MACO and it is led by an international editorial board comprised of both senior and junior scholars. The series is currently accepting proposals. As a member of the editorial board, my purpose in writing this brief essay is to encourage members of the SBL to submit their series-appropriate manuscripts or proposals.
One may well wonder, given the title of the series, what exactly is appropriate for the series...

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All ASOR Journal content is now online

All current content from the journals of American Schools of Oriental Research is now available online to subscribing individuals and institutions.
In an email message to ASOR membership, Andy Vaughn, ASOR Executive Director writes:
... I am sending you this email because you have a membership that expires on 3/31/2010, and ASOR is giving you a free subscription to the online content until your membership expires. We are providing this free subscription because we want to give you the opportunity to see how the online content works and decide whether you want to keep an online subscription, a print subscription, or both when you renew in a few months.

When you renew your membership, you can choose to keep both the online and print subscriptions or you can choose to have only online or online print. If you choose both, you will be charged a modest $25 fee for both, but there is no additional fee if you choose only one. If you an non-US member and choose the online only option, you will save the non-US shipping charges. We'll send you more details closer the time of your expiration date, but for now we wanted to let you try out the online content for free ...

All older content is online at JSTOR. Active journals have a three year moving wall.

Access to the entire suite of ASOR publications available via JSTOR is available to ASOR members who are otherwise unaffiliated with subscribing institutions for $15 per year.

The ASOR Newsletter is available in open access format from Volume 46, Number 1, Spring 1996 - Present

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