by Marchella Ward on behalf of the Critical Ancient World Studies and Everyday Orientalism teams
What does it mean to do history in the ruins of history? Since October 7th
2023, historians have been working in the ruins of history. The
deliberate destruction of archaeological and heritage sites, many of
which go back millennia, has become a feature of Israel’s genocidal
aggression against the Palestinians. Many have given this destruction
the name ‘historicide’, describing an attack on history that goes back
long before 2023 and has characterised much of the previous 76 years of
Israel’s colonial occupation of Palestine. But there are other ruins
too. Historians have watched as our subject associations
fell into ruin, unable to condemn genocide, historicide and
scholasticide – and unable to represent their members and observe
boycotts against an apartheid regime. In January 2025, when the American Historical Association vetoed a motion
opposing Israel’s scholasticide in Gaza, in spite of a vote by its
membership resoundingly in its failure (428-88), we knew that something
had to change. A new historical association was a necessity we could no
longer ignore.
In other quarters, concerns have been raised about existing
historical associations for some time. Various voices have pointed out
that many subject organisations work less well for junior scholars, for
racialised scholars, for scholars in the Global South, among others. The
inadequacy of subject organisations around the issue of Palestinian
solidarity is the catalyst for this new subject organisation, but we
hope that this new organisation will be able to address a number of
other structural issues too.
The Society for the Study of the Past is a new organisation for all
those with an interest in studying the past anywhere in the world. It
aims to transcend the traditional ways of periodising the past
(‘classical’, ‘medieval’, ‘modern’ etc) in order to create a community
where the study of the past can be a tool of emancipation.
The Society for the Study of the Past is founded on five core principles:
That all history is political, and that the way we understand the
past shapes the world in which we live. That a more equal future
therefore requires a different narrative for world history.
That the over-focus on the Global North (and white supremacy,
Eurocentrism, Western hegemony, orientalism etc) are detrimental to the
doing of history. That opposing and unpicking them is an ongoing and
active process that includes, but is not limited to, what is usually
referred to under the heading ‘decolonisation’.
That the ‘view-from-nowhere’ is a fantasy propagated by those most
empowered by its assumed neutrality. That a suspicion of positivism is
necessary for a more critical approach to doing history.
That all history is global history, that all history is
historiography, and that the traditional periodisations of the history
of the world (e.g. #ancient’, ‘medieval’, ‘early modern’, ‘modern’) are
of limited use. That a justice-focussed way of doing history will
require the rethinking of the politics of time among other tools of
That the boycotts of colonial occupiers are to be respected, and
that solidarity with the oppressed, liberation of the occupation and a
more just future are core concerns of the historian.
We are at the beginning of a journey to build a subject organisation
that understands the relevance of history in the present world, and is
not afraid to stand on the side of the oppressed and represent its
members. Although we are not yet at a stage where we can accept
membership applications, we are looking for committee members and
collaborators. Critical Ancient World Studies and Everyday Orientalism
launched the Society on the 18th February 2025, at our In Solidarity with Palestine II: In the Ruins of History event, and now we invite you to join us.
For more information, including how to sign up to the SSP’s mailing list and volunteer to help run the Society, please see:
Last but not least, we are grateful to the following organisations for their support:
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