Ken Heuring
Sponsored by: SFB 1285Published in German.Access available
eBook PDF Open Access
CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 978-3-16-163319-5
In this study, Ken Heuring focuses on Cicero's Second Philippic, a passionate invective against Marcus Antonius, who succeeded Julius Caesar after his assassination in 44 BC. The speech is characterised by its high emotional intensity, using insults, exaggerations, exclamations, and other rhetorical techniques to stir the emotions of the audience in favour of the speaker. The author introduces key concepts in emotion linguistics, illustrating them with extracts taken from the speech. A comprehensive commentary then analyses the many emotional codes in Cicero's masterpiece.
Table of contents:I. Einführung in die Emotionslinguistik
Grundbegriffe: Invektivität, Emotionen, Sprache - Emotionslinguistische Pragmatik - Paraverbale und nonverbale Emotionscodes - Verbale Emotionscodes
II. Emotionslinguistischer Kommentar der zweiten Philippika
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