Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Attic Inscriptions Online (AOI) updates

Attic Inscriptions Online (AOI) updates

17 August 2024: Today we publish the Arch of Hadrian (IG II2 5185), Hadrian's oil law and all his inscribed letters (IG II2 1100-1103, SEG 30.86; 33.139; 55.249-250, Oliver, Constitutions 78), Hadrian's aqueduct (CIL III 549), all statue bases for Hadrian and his relatives (IG II2 3286-3320, 3381-3389; Agora XVIII 261-262; I Rhamnous 158; SEG 32.254-255; 41.143; 47.222; 48.204), and the Athenian altars for Hadrian (Benjamin Altars of Hadrian 7). We also publish all inscriptions relating to the heads of philosophical schools in Roman times and the Library of Pantainos (IG II2 3571, 3801, 3989, 11551, Agora XVIII 401; IG II3 4, 1405). For a full list of today's new entries see Publication 17 August 2024.

21 January 2024: Today's launch futher expands our coverage of the demes, publishing inscriptions relating to Kydantidai and Ionidai (SEG 39.148; SEG 46.229), Kydathenaion (Agora XVI 68), Kytherros (IG II2 2496), Melite (AIO 2841, AIO 2842, together with revisions of IG II3 4, 1057 and I Eleusis 229), new entries for Kephale (IG II3 4, 498), Cholleidai (Rationes F6B), and revising inscriptions relating to Phaleron (IG II3 4, 227), Xypete (IG II3 4, 228), Thymaitadai (IG II3 4, 225), Piraeus (IG II2 1176, IG II2 2498, IG II2 1214, IG II2 1177, Agora XVI 160) and Athmonon (IG II2 1203). We also publish the Athenian inscriptions relating to the Panhellenion (IG II3 4, 215), including a set of decrees of newly admitted cities (Sardes et Synnada 1 and 2, AIO 2847, Oliver, Marcus Aurelius 5), a possible decree relating to an Eleusinian endowment (I Eleusis 489), and several statue bases, including two dealing with the murder of Regilla (I Eleusis 476, Agora XVIII 379). We have also added notes to the 3rd-century BC decrees honouring Kallias of Sphettos, IG II3 1, 911 and his brother, Phaidros, IG II3 1, 985. For a full list of today's new entries see Publication 21 January 2024.

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