Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Ernst Herzfeld Papers

Announced today at the Smithsonian Collection Blog: New Freer|Sackler Archives Image Galleries

Ernst Herzfeld Papers
A foremost scholar in the field of Iranian studies, Ernst Herzfeld (1879–1948) explored all phases of Near Eastern culture from the prehistoric period to Islamic times. The collection documents Herzfeld's archaeological activities including Samarra, Persepolis, Pasargadae, Paikuli, and Aleppo and includes correspondence; field notebooks; drawings; sketchbooks; inventories of objects; squeezes of architectural inscriptions and details; and photographs.

Preservation, digitization, and cataloging has been made possible by the Leon Levy Foundation. The cataloging of this collection commenced in September 2009, and will be ongoing until Summer 2011. Please be advised that some of the Series and categories are not hot linked to images yet as we are in the process of making them available.

Cataloging and descriptions for the Ernst Herzfeld papers were created based on primary materials within the Ernst Herzfeld papers, notes and organization from Joseph Upton, and from secondary sources listed in the Ernst Herzfeld Resource Bibliography.

It is our hope that by providing the Ernst Herzfeld papers online we are contributing to the scholarship of, and interest in, the archaeological sites of the ancient Near East. We welcome additional insight and scholarship you may be able to add. If you hold, or know where related materials may be, please contact us so that we can maintain an up to date record of all Ernst Herzfeld resources. In the future, the Freer|Sackler hopes to expand upon this web resource to include all Ernst Herzfeld materials.

Permission to reproduce and publish an item from the Archives is coordinated through the Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery's Rights and Reproductions department. For inquiries on selecting images or appointments to research the collection, please contact the Archives

Go read our latest news on the collection available on our blog and view our video tutorial on how to search the Archives. Click here to view a list of the locations for which we have Herzfeld materials. 

See earlier postings in AWOL on Herzeld:

Herzfeld at Samarra

Ernst Herzfeld Papers


Berkeley Prosopography Services Wiki

Berkeley Prosopography Services Wiki Home
Berkeley Prosopography Services (BPS) is an open-source prosopographical toolkit that generates interactive visualizations of the biological and social connections that link documented individuals, providing a dynamic and heuristic tool for researching historical communities documented in legal and administrative archives.

We are currently exploring and developing a prototype application with a single target corpus, but will soon expand to support multiple corpora. The initial corpus is a set of Hellenistic Babylonian legal texts (cuneiform tablets).

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New Ancient World Content in JSTOR

Multidisciplinary and Discipline-Specific Collections at JSTOR
The following journals have been added to the JSTOR archive. More detailed information about JSTOR titles and collections, along with delimited lists, can be accessed from JSTOR's Available Collections page
Annual Report of the Trustees of the Metropolitan Museum of Art (Arts & Sciences VIII)
Coverage: No. 1 (1871) – No. 138 (July 1, 2007/June 30, 2008)
Moving Wall: 3 years
Publisher: Metropolitan Museum of Art
ISSN: 0740-7661

And see also The Ancient World in JSTOR: AWOL's full list of journals in JSTOR with substantial representation of the Ancient World.

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Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum Datenbank

Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum Datenbank
...Das ›Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum‹ erfaßt die lateinischen Inschriften aus dem gesamten Raum des ehemaligen Imperium Romanum in geographischer und systematischer Ordnung; es ist seit seiner Begründung durch Theodor Mommsen die maßgebliche Dokumentation des epigraphischen Erbes der römischen Antike.

Das Berliner Team, das die Fortsetzung dieses Werkes betreut, koordiniert die notwendige internationale Zusammenarbeit mit den Fachgelehrten und bereitet fremde und eigene Manuskripte zur Publikation vor: Neufunde und Korrekturen bereits veröffentlichter Inschriften werden in Zweitauflagen und Supplementen ediert und so das Corpus aktualisiert und kontinuierlich erweitert.

Um ihre eingangs beschriebene Aufgabe zu erfüllen, kann sich die Berliner Zentrale freilich nicht auf die wissenschaftliche Redaktion beschränken, wiewohl hierin der Schwerpunkt ihrer Arbeit liegt. Sie muß sich auch um die laufende Auswertung der Literatur zur lateinischen Epigraphik und um die Herstellung von bibliographischen Nachträgen zum Corpus bemühen. Die Bibliographie zur lateinischen Epigraphik, die seit 1950, neuerdings als Filemaker-Datenbank, geführt wird und mehr als 30.000 Titel umfaßt, eine spezielle Kartei mit Nachweisen neuerer Literatur zu den einzelnen im CIL selbst und in anderen Sammlungen veröffentlichten Inschriften sowie Manuskripte und Exzerpte früher edierter Inschriften bilden zusammen mit einer stattlichen Sammlung von Abklatschen oft benutzte Auskunftsmittel. Sie stellen zugleich einen unschätzbaren Fundus dar, vom welchem ausgehend die Vorbereitung von Corpora in eigener Verantwortung in Angriff genommen werden kann...
And see also Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum II

Online Bible Tools

A list of the tools cited in a discussion on the Digital Medievalist mailing list beginning June 27, 2011.

The Bible Tool
Welcome to The Bible Tool-- a free, evolving open source tool for exploring the Bible and related texts online. Created by CrossWire Bible Society, the Society of Biblical Literature and the American Bible Society as the first in a number of coming Bible engagement tools using an XML standard called OSIS , we provide power searching capabilities to help you engage the Bible at a deeper level.
The Bible Tool began as part of an effort by the SBL and ABS to bridge the gap between academia and the church. We want both scholars and laypeople to engage the Bible, gaining contextual understanding through:
  • the use of technology to dig deeper into the text;
  • accessing scholarly articles, to understand the implications of what academic discoveries might have in understanding the context of society in Bible times
We plan to further this effort by:
  • making free, open source Bible tools available which people can customize for themselves and others, built by the hundreds of technical experts who volunteer their time to the CrossWire Bible Society;
  • providing an OSIS editor using MS Word 2003, so you can encode your texts and make them available for others
  • leveraging our existing distribution channels: making the tool available soon to the 20,000 churches who have Web sites using ABS's, and the thousands of SBL members who engage the Bible from numerous academic perspectives
To learn more about how to use the Bible Tool, visit our FAQ section.
To learn more about the OSIS initiative, visit the Bible Technologies Group. - The Bible on the Internet

Electronic edition of the Gospel according to John
Vetus Latina Iohannes
An edition of the manuscripts with Old Latin versions of John  
Online facsimiles and transcriptions of Sahidic Coptic manuscripts of John  
Transcriptions of Greek Papyri, Majuscules and Minuscules (work in progress)

New Testament . Virtual Manuscript Room


The Unbound Bible

This Website is Copyright © 2005-2006 Biola University.
Biola does not hold the Copyright to any Biblical texts on this site.
Some Biblical texts on this site are in the Public Domain,
and others are Copyrighted by their Copyright holders.

Vetus Latina - Resources for the study of the Old Latin Bible
The Vulgate took many years to become established as the principal Latin Bible. In the meanwhile, the Old Latin versions continued to be used. Some of these translations are preserved in Bible manuscripts, in the writings of the Church Fathers and in early Christian liturgies.

These texts are of great significance for the history of the early Church and the transmission of the Bible. Most of the Old Latin translations were made from Greek manuscripts which no longer exist. Although the Latin texts have undergone their own process of transmission, the original layer preserves a witness to the Bible, especially the New Testament, which would otherwise be lost to us. The language and history of these documents also provides information on the social background of early Christian communities and the spread of the Church.

VulSearch: view and search the Vulgate
VulSearch is a program for Windows 98 and later.
  • View the Clementine Vulgate Bible with the Douay–Rheims translation side-by-side
  • Fast full-text searching of both bibles
  • Create bookmarks, cross-references and annotations
  • Integrated with the Latin dictionary program Words
VulSearch is free software.
(VulSearch is copyright © 2000-07, but is released under the GPL. This means that it can be freely used, copied, modified and distributed.)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Archaeological Software

Among the interesting and useful resources collected at is a list of archaeological software is an autonomous, archaeological, international editorial project, created and managed by the A.T.P.G. Society, an Italian Archaeological Association composted by doctoral, MA and BA students from the Universities of La Sapienza-Rome, (ITA) Manchester, (UK), Ferrara (ITA) and Brown University (USA).
The Project is scientific and didactic. Internet and the Web  are its own way of communication.
It consists in the creation of the following editorial sections within the website.

Open Access Journal: Arte, Arqueología e Historia

Arte, Arqueología e Historia
Desde su constitución, la Asociación Arte, Arqueología e Historia viene publicando anualmente una revista que desde criterios rigurosos se ocupa de las disciplinas que le son propias, es decir, el Arte, la Historia y la Arqueología.

La revista viene ofreciendo trabajos de investigación y de divulgación que suponen un puente o enlace entre los estamentos en donde esa investigación se desarrolla y la propia sociedad interesada, es decir, aquellas personas que se sienten atraídas por las cuestiones relacionadas con la Historia y el Patrimonio; personas, en suma, que aman nuestro pasado pero que no necesariamente se dedican de manera profesional al estudio de ese pasado.

Sanskrit Aggregator

Sanskrit Central:  Sanskrit Aggregator, Books and Everything Sanskrit
संस्कृतवाणी - The Unique Sanskrit Aggregator

Friday, June 24, 2011

Capidava Online

Prezentare    |      Colectiv de cercetare    |     Drumuri de acces     |     Planul cetatii
  La aproape 20 de km. in aval de Cernavoda, Dunarea face o mare cotitura, marginita pe dreapta de peretii verticali ai unor faleze de calcar, iar spre stanga de malul impadurit ca o perie al Baltii Ialomitei, luandu-o mai intai spre nord-est, apoi spre nord ca sa se mai intoarca inca o data spre nord-vest. O data facut acest urias ocol, in care fluviul a ros adanc din faleza de calcar a malului Dobrogean, albia se ingusteaza drastic si stim ca, de asemenea fundul fluviului se inalta, asa incat vara, cand apa scade de caldura, vapoarele nu mai pot trece. In fundul marii cotituri sta pitit, intr-un soi de gavan, satul actual Capidava, care si-a luat numele recent de la cetatea romana ale carei ruine il strajuiesc de pe un pinten stancos situat la SSE de sat. De acolo, de langa cetate, apusurile de soare, cand astrul moare in apele Dunarii, moarandu-i undele in toate nuantele curcubeului, se vad ca adevarate simfonii de culori si de lumina...
Publicatii electronice
– site internet al santierului arheologic Capidava (com. Topalu, jud. Constanta).
– site internet al Institutului pentru Memorie Culturala al Ministerului Culturii si Cultelor (CIMEC), unde este gazduita si pagina pentru santierul arheologic Capidava. Vezi tot acolo si pagina Arhive digitale ale Institului de Arheologie Vasile Parvan (Muzeul National de Antichitati): text, fotografii de arhiva si legenda acestora, despre sapaturile antebelice de la Capidava (autor Ioan I.C. Opris). Pe acelasi site pot fi consultate si rapoartele de sapatura sistematica la Capidava din ultimii ani, în forma exhaustiva (cu toata ilustratia aferenta).
TEODOR E.S. 2001 = E.S. Teodor, Ceramica din Muntenia de la sfarsitul veacului al V-lea pana la mijlocul sec. al VII-lea, teza de doctorat (coordonator stiintific Dan Ghe. TEODOR), Universitatea din Iasi, 2001, in special Cap. 5: Referinta sincronica. 5.2. Ceramica arealelor periferice. 5.2.8. Ceramica arhaica in mediu roman (Capidava). Poate fi consultata pe site-ul Muzeului National de Istorie a Romaniei din Bucuresti, la adresa 

Recent Open Access Dissertations from PQDT Open

The following list is a selection of recent open access dissertations from Open Access ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT Open).  My sense is that this resource will be particularly useful in places (particularly outside the USA) where UMI Dissertations are not routinely licensed though university libraries.  This list is by no means complete. I urge you to search the database yourself.
Reworking ancient texts: Revision through introduction in biblical and Mesopotamian literature
by Milstein, Sara J., Ph.D. New York University. 2011: 347 pages; AAT 3428044.
Plutarch's deterrent lives: Lessons in Statesmanship
by Jacobs, Susan Gail, Ph.D. Columbia University. 2011: 376 pages; AAT 3451499.
Exploring social interaction at the ancient Maya city of Copan, Honduras: A multi-scalar Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis of access and visibilty
by Richards-Rissetto, Heather M., Ph.D. The University of New Mexico. 2010: 867 pages; AAT 3409377.
Conjugate diameters: Apollonius of Perga and Eutocius of Ascalon
by McKinney, Colin Bryan Powell, Ph.D. The University of Iowa. 2010: 190 pages; AAT 3422241.

Chasing the beyond: Depictions of hunting in Eastern Han dynasty tomb reliefs (25-220 CE) from Shaanxi and Shanxi

by Wallace, Leslie, Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh. 2010: 152 pages; AAT 3417447
Towards an agora: The spatial and architectural development of Greek commercial and civic space in the Peloponnese
by Donati, Jamieson C., Ph.D. New York University. 2010: 479 pages; AAT 3396724.

Agents, archives, and risk: A micronarrative account of Old Assyrian trade through Salim-ahum's activities in 1890 B.C.
by Stratford, Edward Paul, Ph.D. The University of Chicago. 2010: 492 pages; AAT 3419777.
A study of the field design and soil properties of agricultural terraces at the Qasr Tilah archaeological site in the Wadi 'Arabah, Jordan
by Rice, Amy Diane, M.S. University of Missouri - Kansas City. 2010: 187 pages; AAT 1485865.
Heavenly Sabbath, Heavenly Sanctuary: The Transformation of Priestly Sacred Space and Sacred Time in the "Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice" and the Epistle to the Hebrews
by Calaway, Jared C., Ph.D. Columbia University. 2010: 467 pages; AAT 3447864.
Incubation as a type-scene in the Aqhatu, Kirta, and Hannah stories: A form-critical and narratological study of KTU 1.14 I--1.15 III, 1.17 I--II, and 1 Samuel 1:1--2:11
by Kim, Koowon, Ph.D. The University of Chicago. 2010: 469 pages; AAT 3397291.
Tel Dan in its northern cultic context
by Davis, Andrew R., Ph.D. The Johns Hopkins University. 2010: 374 pages; AAT 3410203.
The lady and the looking glass: Margaret Murray's life in archaeology  by Sheppard, Kathleen L., Ph.D. The University of Oklahoma. 2010: 305 pages; AAT 3409383.
Olmec monuments as agents of social memory
by Mollenhauer, Jillian Louise, Ph.D. University of California, San Diego. 2010: 501 pages; AAT 3408027.

Visionary ascents of moses in Pseudo-Philo's Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum: Apocalyptic motifs and the growth of visionary Moses tradition
by Ruffatto, Kristine J., Ph.D. Marquette University. 2010: 250 pages; AAT 3428271.

Changed imagination, changed obedience: The bent-over woman as social vision in the Gospel of Luke
by Houghtby-Haddon, Natalie K., Ph.D. The George Washington University. 2009: 284 pages; AAT 3368740.

Searching for the law: Ennin's journal as a key to the Heian appropriation of Tang culture
by Palmer, Jesse Dalton, Ph.D. University of California, Irvine. 2009: 329 pages; AAT 3380358.

'Have you seen, son of man?': Preliminary studies in the translation and Vorlage of LXX Ezekiel 40--48
by O'Hare, Daniel M., Ph.D. University of Notre Dame. 2009: 322 pages; AAT 3442069.

Jordan first: A history of the intellectual and political economy of Jordanian antiquity
by Corbett, Elena Dodge, Ph.D. The University of Chicago. 2009: 532 pages; AAT 3362463.

Natural history in Herodotus' "Histories"
by Sergueenkova, Valeria Viatcheslavova, Ph.D. Harvard University. 2009: 193 pages; AAT 3385559.

Pastoralism in the Early Transcaucasian Culture: The faunal remains from Sos Hoyuk
by Piro, Jennifer J., Ph.D. New York University. 2009: 492 pages; AAT 3365731.

Philistine domestic architecture in the Iron Age I
by Aja, Adam Jonathan, Ph.D. Harvard University. 2009: 559 pages; AAT 3385567.

Technological and stylistic evaluation of the Early Bronze Age pottery at Tarsus-Gozlukule, Turkey: Pottery production and its interaction with economic, social, and cultural spheres
by Unlu, Elif, Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania. 2009: 376 pages; AAT 3381877.

The Guyuan Sarcophagus: Motifs and explication
by Bradford, Rosalind E., Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania. 2009: 1106 pages; AAT 3363696.

The prophet and the lying pen: Jeremiah's poetic challenge to the Deuteronomic school
by Silver, Edward, Ph.D. The University of Chicago. 2009: 364 pages; AAT 3387053.

For other aggregations of open access dissertations see also:

Ancient Language Spelling Correction

I have recently become aware of two Latin spelling correction utilities:
This makes me wonder if there are utilities like these for other ancient languages.  If you have information, please respond in the comments.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

News from the Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon

The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon Project is back online.
We apologize for the unavailability of our system during the six weeks between early May and mid-June, 2011. The CAL server was struck by a hacker from an ISP in London, UK precisely on the day that Dr. Kaufman left the country, apparently simply because he or she wanted a complete copy of our online version of Sokoloff's DJPA and wanted to save the $100 for the second edition and received instead an early draft of the first edition, while totally compromising the system. There is no indication that the identity of any of our users was looked for or their own privacy comprised in any way. The length of the delay is a direct function of the fact that we have failed to have any NEH funding renewed for many years now and the CAL continues on solely as a labor of love without any paid researchers.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Open Access Journal: Fornvännen

[First posted Secember 22, 2009. Updated June 21, 2011]

The Digital Fornvännen
Starting in 2009 the Digital Fornvännen is published at this website. Publisher is the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, and the web edition is made available on the Internet by the Swedish National Heritage Board and the Library of the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities. The Table of Contents and Abstracts will be published simultaneously with the print edition at, while the full text of the articles will be published electronically 6 months after the print edition has reached its subscribers. The articles will then be available free of charge. The Table of Contents and links to available articles in full text will be found at the webpage of the annual issue.
Please use the search function or the Table of Contents to locate articles in pdf-format. The library catalogue VITALIS ( and the cross search service, Kulturmiljösök, Cultural Heritage Search ( also provide links to the articles in full text.

What is Fornvännen?

Fornvännen is the leading journal for antiquarian research in Sweden. It is also the oldest and most widely distributed journal, with the largest review section in the subject field in Scandinavia. Publication started in 1906. The leading Scandinavian experts in archaeology and Medieval research are published in Fornvännen.
The articles in Fornvännen are written mainly in Swedish, sometimes in Danish, Norwegian, English and German. From 1925 there are abstracts and picture headings in English or German. In later issues non-English articles are provided with a Summary in English.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


ScriptSource - Writing systems, computers and people
ScriptSource is a dynamic, collaborative reference to the writing systems of the world, with detailed information on scripts, characters, languages - and the remaining needs for supporting them in the computing realm. It is sponsored, developed and maintained by SIL International. It currently contains only a skeleton of information, and so depends on your participation in order to grow and assist others.
Copyright © 2011 SIL International and released under the  Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license (CC-BY-SA) unless noted otherwise. Language data includes information from the  Ethnologue. Script information partially from the  ISO 15924 Registration Authority. Some character data from  The Unicode Standard Character Database and locale data from the  Common Locale Data Repository. Used by permission.  

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mapping and extracting archaeological datasets into RDF/XML

STELLAR Applications
Hypermedia Research Unit, University of Glamorgan 
STELLAR provides tools for non-specialist users to map and extract archaeological datasets into RDF/XML conforming to the CIDOC CRM and its CRM-EH extension.

STELLAR templates

From experience in the STAR project, we identified a set of commonly occurring patterns in the datasets and the CRM. The STELLAR internal templates express these patterns. To generate RDF, the user chooses a template for a particular data pattern.The current internal templates correspond to the general aim of cross searching excavation datasets for inter-site analysis and comparison.
Some internal templates are expressed in terms of the English Heritage CRM-EH archaeological extension to the CIDOC CRM. There are also more general CIDOC CRM templates conforming to the CLAROS Project format. Additionally there is a template allowing a glossary/thesaurus connected with the dataset to be expressed in SKOS standard format, which allows controlled data items to be linked via SKOS.
Any modification of the internal templates requires rebuilding the STELLAR application. STELLAR (additionally) allows user defined external templates for converting data to any user-defined textual form. A tutorial on user defined templates explains their creation and use. The STELLAR Introduction should be read before using the tools or trying the tutorials.


STELLAR.Console is a downloadable command line utility application that performs a variety of data manipulation and conversion tasks related to STELLAR. Files of delimited tabular data (TAB, CSV) can be imported and consolidated to an internal database then queried using SQL. A series of “templates” can then convert the query results to Resource Description Framework (RDF) in a robust, consistent and repeatable way.
A tutorial on STELLAR.Console goes step by step through an excavation dataset example. When converting to RDF, the user specifies which template to apply. The user also supplies a file with the SQL commands that will generate the required input for the given template from the internal database. Batch processing is possible with STELLAR.Console, which has a wide choice of methods for expressing the inputs to the templates
Install the latest version of the STELLAR.Console application (Windows installer, 1045KB)
The application runs on Microsoft Windows platforms, and requires installation of Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 runtime (will be installed automatically if not present).

STELLAR.Web is a simpler browser based application that performs a subset of the STELLAR.Console functionality using the internal templates. Often you will have other means of producing the initial tabular delimited data (CSV files) so this application will work on your own pre-processed data files to produce the RDF output. You specify which template to apply and the CSV column names match the required input for the given template.

STELLAR Reports and tutorials

Introduction with mapping and extraction guidelines (PDF, 86KB) Read this first
Manual for using Tools (PDF, 3746KB)
A tutorial explaining the use of STELLAR.Console
A short tutorial on the use of user defined templates with STELLAR.Console
Report on user defined template for use with CLAROS project (PDF, 232KB)
STELLAR.CONSOLE version history
STELLAR journal and conference outputs can be found under KOS publications.

Proyecto Cultural Nefertary

Proyecto Cultural Nefertary
PROYECTO CULTURAL NEFERTARY© es un Proyecto Socio-Cultural que abarca todos los campos del Arte contemporáneo: La Pintura, la Escultura, la Arquitectura, la Música, el Cine, la Gastronomía, el Estilismo, el Lenguaje, la Literatura... y se desarrolla a través de todos los Operadores Culturales que hay en el mercado de las comunicaciones: Internet, Museos, Televisión, Centros Culturales, Fundaciones, Teatros, Cines, Salas de Conciertos... junto a todo tipo de Asociaciones Nacionales e Internacionales que desarrollen temáticas artísticas, sociales o culturales.
Existen diferentes argumentaciones, surgidas tras el diagnóstico de las demandas y necesidades a cubrir por parte de los operadores sociales y culturales. Sin lugar a dudas, existe una argumentación histórica: Nefertary fue una de las mujeres más relevantes del Antiguo Egipto. Pero también hay una justificación sociológica e ideológica. Existe una egiptomanía latente que demanda actividades culturales y sociales en el entorno del Antiguo Egipto. Junto a una creciente demanda de información sobre el papel de la mujer en la historia de la Humanidad, algo que reflejaremos en todo el Proyecto Cultural Nefertary©.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The End of The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago

With the announcement on April 13, 2011 of the appearance in print and online of last volume of the The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, the project is complete.

At On the CAD, I am collecting a variety of things most but not all of them open access, written about the CAD

New Open Access Journal: Patrimonium

Patrimonium: Revista de Restauración y Museología
ISSN: 1390- 9479
Patrimonium 5
La Revista Patrimonium es un proyecto de difusión, de tipo investigativo, audiovisual, didáctico e interactivo de la Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial, que nace como iniciativa de la Carrera de Restauración y Museología.

Este proyecto se sirve de las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación para crear un espacio virtual dedicado por entero a la promoción del Patrimonio. Gracias a ello, se demuestra que temas culturales, artísticos y formativos, pueden seguir teniendo utilidad científica para la sociedad sin dejar de ser atractivos.
En este sentido, es posible acceder de manera muy sencilla a contenidos sumamente variados, desde la investigación misma de las tesis de los estudiantes, fotografías y vídeos, hasta proyectos documentales sobre experiencias de restauración, sitios culturales y arqueológicos, sociedades y tradiciones, museos, bibliotecas, archivos, y también sobre otras universidades.

El énfasis estará centrado en la restauración, la conservación y la actividad museística, abordando y difundiendo toda la información actualizada del mundo cultural. Se pretende así impulsar el conocimiento, valoración, protección y disfrute del patrimonio cultural por parte del mayor número posible de ciudadanos, siempre confiando en el valor didáctico y educativo del patrimonio que nuestros articulistas colaboradores saben obtener.

La revista Patrimonium no quiere ser un simple informador, sino que participa de la idea de que los usuarios aprovechen la información proporcionada en la elaboración de sus propios contenidos y propuestas, de manera que se marquen líneas a seguir en las diferentes temáticas. Por esa razón, ofrece la posibilidad a los visitantes de la página de enviar material inédito de investigación, así como también pone a su disposición la posibilidad de incorporarse a una auténtica comunidad, que ya ha superado las fronteras e implantarse en el espacio cibernético desde la mitad del mundo.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

tDAR - Digital Archaeological Record

tDAR - Digital Archaeological Record

The Digital Archaeological Record (tDAR) is an international digital repository for the digital records of archaeological investigations. tDAR’s use, development, and maintenance are governed by Digital Antiquity, an organization dedicated to ensuring the long-term preservation of irreplaceable archaeological data and to broadening access to these data.  The tDAR repository will enable researchers to more effectively create knowledge of the  human past and resource managers to better preserve and protect archaeological resources. Digital Antiquity’s key objectives include fostering the use of tDAR and ensuring its financial, technical, and professional sustainability. Use of tDAR has the potential to transform archaeological research by providing direct access to current and historic digital data along with powerful tools to analyze and reuse it.

The tDAR repository encompasses digital data, documents, and images derived from ongoing archaeological research, as well as legacy data derived from more than a century of archaeological research. The repository provides for long-term preservation and easy discovery and access to databases, spreadsheets, documents, and images in a variety of common formats.
tDAR operates under the organizational umbrella of Digital Antiquity, a multi-institutional organization that has been explicitly designed to ensure the long-term financial, technical, and social sustainability of the tDAR cyberinfrastructure.  Digital Antiquity is led by Executive Director Francis P. McManamon and Technology Director Adam Brin. Digital Antiquity is governed by an independent Board of Directors composed of four members with expertise in finance, law, not-for-profit organization administration, and information technology, plus individuals from the University of Arkansas, Arizona State University, the Pennsylvania State University, the SRI Foundation, Washington State University, and the University of York. Digital Antiquity’s decision-making is supported by a distinguished external Science Board with representatives from all sectors of archaeology and from information science. Digital Antiquity currently is being incubated by Arizona State University. At the end of its initial development, the organization (and tDAR) may be established as a “stand-alone” not-for-profit  organization or be incorporated into an appropriate non-profit, such as a professional association.

Friday, June 10, 2011

ArchaeoLandscapes Europe

ArchaeoLandscapes Europe
The target of the ArchaeoLandscapes project is to address existing imbalances in the use of modern surveying and remote sensing techniques and to create conditions for the regular use of these strikingly successful techniques across the Continent as a whole. It aims to create a self-sustaining network to support the use throughout Europe of aerial survey and ‘remote sensing’ to promote understanding, conservation and public enjoyment of the shared landscape and archaeological heritage of the countries of the European Union.

The project represents the culmination of a growing European cooperation from the mid-1990s onwards. Now federating 42 prestigious institutions in the field of archaeology and heritage protection (1 Coordinator, 26 Co-organisers and 15 Associated Partners) from 26 separate countries, it will bring that process to a sustainable and self-supporting future as the long-term legacy of this and earlier EU-assisted initiatives.

The central theme of concerted action and cooperation will be stressed through annual meetings of the whole of the membership and the project’s Management Board, to agree policy, review progress and plan new initiatives. Much of the project’s work, however, will be undertaken through specialist ‘focus-groups’ and carefully structured ‘work-packs’ setting out operational programmes and timetables for each of the project’s eight key objectives or ‘Actions’.

Dialogue with target groups in the community will focus on multilingual and interactive web-based presentation. Use will also be made of leaflets, booklets and more substantial publications to engage both with ordinary citizens and with specialists in various aspects of heritage exploration, management and presentation.

The project’s long-term legacy will be better appreciation of the landscape and archaeological heritage of Europe, closer contact between heritage professionals and the general public, more effective conservation of the shared cultural heritage, the international sharing of skills and employment opportunities, better public and professional education, the wider use of archive resources and modern survey techniques, and higher professional standards in landscape exploration and conservation.

capture Capture
Explore the different technologies used to record archaeological features on and below the ground surface
interpret Interpret
Understand the methodologies used to identify and interpret archaeological features within remotely sensed data
outreach Outreach
Find out how to take part in activities to advance the sharing and understanding of remote sensing within archaeology
workpackage Work Package
Description of the ArchaeoLandscapes project activities and deliverables

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Open Access Libraries: Judaica-Sammlung Frankfurt

Judaica-Sammlung Frankfurt
Die Sammlung
Die Judaica-Sammlung der Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt/M. entstand Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts durch großzügige Spenden Frankfurter Juden. Ihr langjähriger Leiter, Prof. Dr. Aron Freimann, baute sie bis 1933 zur umfangreichsten und bedeutendsten Spezialsammlung des europäischen Kontinents aus. Die Sammlung mit ihren ca. 18.000 Titeln umfasst die gesamte historische Literatur zur Wissenschaft des Judentums bis 1933. 
Das Projekt
Infolge des Dritten Reichs und des Zweiten Weltkriegs ist die Judaica-Sammlung der Frankfurter Universitätsbibliothek nicht mehr vollständig vorhanden. Ziel des von der DFG geförderten Projekts sind die Erfassung aller Bestandteile der Sammlung und ihre Digitalisierung. Als "Virtuelle Judaica-Sammlung" soll sie weltweit für jeden Internetbenutzer zur Verfügung stehen. 
Die Partner
Die Sammlung entsteht in Kooperation der Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt/M. und des Lehr- und Forschungsgebiets Deutsch-jüdische Literaturgeschichte an der RWTH Aachen. Die technische Umsetzung erfolgt durch die semantics GmbH. 
The Judaica Collection at the Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt serves a considerable number of digitized volumes relating to the study of antiquity in a variety of categories:

Open Access Journal: V&A Online Journal

V&A Online Journal
ISSN 2043-667X
The V&A online journal is a yearly publication featuring recent research undertaken in connection with the V&A - its collections, public programme and history.

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Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Numishare is an open source project hosted by Google Code for the creation, management, and dissemination of numismatic data online.  Numishare is an evolution of the University of Virginia Art Museum Numismatic Collection website.  The open source software was first adopted by the Kittredge Numismatic Foundation, which contributed financially to its development, and is now maintained by the American Numismatic Society.  The topics discussed will cover the general Numishare distribution, the American Numismatic Society's adaptation of the software, and other issues concerning the sharing of numismatic data.

New from the Griffith Institute

New from the Griffith Institute

    And see Open Access Archives: Griffith Institute

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    Monday, June 6, 2011

    Open Access Journal: ESTRAT CRÍTIC Revista d’arqueologia

    ESTRAT CRÍTIC Revista d’arqueologia
    ISSN: 1887-8687
    Estrat crític és una revista anual impulsada pels estudiants d'arqueologia del col·lectiu Estrat Jove, que pretén obrir noves vies de comunicació entre els membres de la comunitat científica i universitària, encarada sobretot a l'àmbit acadèmic. Una plataforma de crítica i debat entre tots els estaments de la universitat i la societat. Una publicació plural, lliure i científica portada a terme per estudiants que volen donar a conèixer les seves investigacions dins el marc de l'arqueologia i volen donar-li una sortida en el món universitari.
