Saturday, May 25, 2024

Open Access Journal: ‘Atiqot

 [First posted 10/31/10, most recently updated 25 May 2024]

 EISSN 2948-040X

'Atiqot is the refereed journal of the Israel Antiquities Authority. It is published four times a year. The contents of the printed version is uploaded to the e-journal website. No changes are made to articles post-publication. The printed journal is also available via the IAA website.

For details on how to submit, see our Guide to Contributors. For Hebrew Guidelines,press here.

As of March 1, 2017 there are minimum requirements for publication in ‘Atiqot. For the list of requirements, see the attached files, in English or in Hebrew.

Range of Topics. ‘Atiqot covers a large chronological span, from prehistory up to the Ottoman period. Excavations are studied from various aspects and disciplines—often the result of the close interaction between researchers of the IAA and outside specialists. Thus, a report should include, in addition to the stratigraphic analysis, comprehensive treatments of the archaeological data, including studies of the various groups of finds,such as ceramics, glass, stone and metal objects, coins, jewelry, textiles, etc., as well as the geological, botanical, faunal and anthropological evidence. Laboratory analyses, such as petrography, radiocarbon dating and metallurgy, should be included where relevant.

The archaeological data published in ‘Atiqot are not confined to a specific range of periods or topics, but to a geographical area—the Land of Israel—which has been influenced by almost every ancient culture that existed in the Levant. The journal thus presents comprehensive research on the region and its connections with the neighboring countries. The publication is devoted to final reports and shorter articles, although occasionally a volume is dedicated to a particular topic (e.g., burial caves, agricultural installations), period (e.g., prehistoric, Islamic) or site (e.g., Acre, Jerusalem).

Excavation Reports. The papers published in ‘Atiqot are primarily the result of salvage excavations conducted by the IAA. Their results are sometimes unexpectedly important, filling in gaps that could not be understood by localized studies of the larger tells. ‘Atiqot is one of the few vehicles for imparting this important data and therefore a primary asset to any scholar in archaeology.

Bilingual Journal. The journal is bilingual, publishing articles in English or Hebrew; all Hebrew reports are accompanied by English summaries keyed to illustrations in the main text.
Atiqot 114 (2024) EISSN 2948-040X
Wine Production, Trade and Consumption in the Southern Levant
  • Front Matter & Editorial
    Atiqot 114
    Keywords: Front Matter & Editorial
  • Identifying the (Royal) Winepresses in the “Valley of the King” (Pp. 1–22)
    Benyamin Storchan, Nathan Ben-Ari, Neria Sapir and Oded Lipschits
    Keywords: Iron Age, winepress, Judah, viticulture, Valley of the King, wine production, royal estate, mmšt
  • Iron Age II and Persian-Period Wine Production in Southern Samaria: New Data from Archaeological Surveys (Pp. 23–45)
    Aharon Tavger
    Keywords: Iron Age, Persian period, winepress, winery, Samaria, Assyrian conquest, Northern Kingdom, ancient economy, agricultural specialization, landscape archaeology
  • Transport Wine Amphorae and the Economic System in Southern Phoenicia during the Achaemenid Regime (Pp. 47–74)
    Yiftah Shalev
    Keywords: imperial control, transport amphorae, Achaemenid Empire, southern Phoenicia
  • Wine Production in the Byzantine Winepresses of Southern Israel: Insights from a Statistical Analysis (Pp. 75–89)
    Matan Chocron, Oren Ackermann, Ilan Stavi and Boaz Zissu
    Keywords: Byzantine period, simple winepress, complex winepress, statistical analysis, screw press, treading floor, collection vat, fermentation
  • From Gat to Bet-Gitot: Wine Production in the Southern Levant (Pp. 91–136)
    Yehoshua (Yeshu) Dray
    Keywords: wine, winemaking, winepress, Gat, Bet-Gitot, ‘free-run’ wine, pressed wine, treading floor
  • Changes in Wine Consumption in Palestine, c. 600–1100 CE: The Ceramic Evidence (Pp. 137–177)
    Itamar Taxel
    Keywords: late antique, Early Islamic Palestine, viticulture, wine consumption, continuity and change, local ceramic containers, imported ceramic containers
  • The Identification of Ancient Wine through Organic Residue Analysis of Ceramic Vessels (Pp. 179–192)
    Ayala Amir
    Keywords: wine, organic residue analysis, tartaric acid, wine-markers, Southern Levant, ceramic vessels
  • Grapevine Variety Identification—Methodological Aspects: Sample Preparation, Three-Dimensional Positioning and Morphological Comparison (Pp. 193–211)
    Michal David, Yekaterina Shapira, Avshalom Karasik, Elyashiv Drori and Ehud Weiss
    Keywords: lab procedure, archaeobotany, archaeology, 3D model, GMM, position, drying, scan, grapevine variety
  • Bronze Age Winepresses and Roman-Period Burial Caves near Nein, Giv‘at Ha-More (Pp. 215–255)
    Eyad Bisharat and Yardenna Alexandre
    Keywords: simple winepresses, Roman period, kokhim, burial caves, Galilean pottery, Jezreel Valley/southern Carmel pottery, Jewish lamps, Samaritan lamps
    • Glass Finds from the Roman-Period Burial Caves near Nein (Pp. 257–270)
      Yael Gorin-Rosen
      Keywords: Roman glass, burial caves, Galilee, candlestick bottles, small amphoriskos, glass bracelet, bead, glass debris, local glass production
  • Excavations at eṭ-Ṭuweiri and the Boundary between the Dioceses of Tyre and ‘Akko-Ptolemais in the Byzantine Period (Pp. 271–306)
    Danny Syon, Nimrod Getzov and Zohar Daniel
    Keywords: Tyre, ‘Akko-Ptolemais, inscriptions, winery, Byzantine period, Christianity
    • Late Byzantine and Early Islamic Glass from et-Ṭuweiri: A Rural Site in Western Galilee (Pp. 307–322)
      Yael Gorin-Rosen
      Keywords: Byzantine period, Umayyad period, glass, wineglasses, oil lamps, tonged decoration, stirring rod, glass production
    • The Mollusks from et-Ṭuweiri (Pp. 323–326)
      Inbar Ktalav
      Keywords: mollusks, snails, malacology, food consumption, trade, building material


'Atiqot 113 (2023) EISSN 2948-040X
The Archaeology of Purity
  • Front Matter & Editorial
    Atiqot 113
    Keywords: Front Matter & Editorial
  • A First-Century BCE Chalk-Vessel Assemblage from Har Ḥoma, Jerusalem, and the Beginning of the Chalk-Vessel Industry (pp. 127)

    Dennis Mizzi, Ayala Zilberstein, Débora Sandhaus, Rina Avner and Shua Kisilevitz
    Keywords: Chalk vessels, chalk-quarry workshops, Jewish ritual purity, late Second Temple period, Har Ḥoma, Jerusalem
  • Ritual Purification and Bathing: The Location and Function of Siloam Pool and Solomon’s Pool in Second Temple Period Jerusalem (pp. 2944)
    Nahshon Szanton
    Keywords: purification, bathing, First Wall, Silwan Pool, Siloam Pool, Birkat el-Ḥamra, Pool of Solomon, Tyropoeon Valley
  • Jewish Pilgrimage, Temple Sacrifices and ‘Disposable’ Cooking Pots (pp. 4558)
    Omri Abadi
    Keywords: Second Temple period, Jerusalem, pilgrimage, cooking-pot production, ritual purity, ceremonial feasting
  • Late Roman–Byzantine-Period Ritual Baths at Ḥorbat Susya in Daroma (pp. 59–96)
    Yuval Baruch and Ronny Reich
    Keywords: purity, ritual bath, miqweh, Daroma, synagogue, Jewish village, Late Roman period, Byzantine period, priest, oil press, winepress
  • Archaeology, Purity and Society: Some Methodological Reflections (pp. 97–113)
    Eyal Regev
    Keywords: Purity, ritual baths, stone vessels, social archaeology, ethnicity, individualism
  • The Rise and Fall of ‘Purity Culture’ in the Land of Israel: A Historic Perspective (pp. 115157)
    Zeev Safrai
    Keywords: Purity, social development, miqweh, priests, Rabbis, sages, sects
  • Jewish Ritual Immersion in the Longue Durée: From Earliest Manifestations until Today (159181)
    Yonatan Adler
    Keywords: Judaism, ritual purity, ritual immersion, ritual immersion pools, ritual baths
  • A Second-Temple Period Chalk Quarry and Vessel- Production Cave Complex on Mount Scopus, Jerusalem (pp. 185274)
    Jon Seligman, David Amit and Irina Zilberbod
    Keywords: Jewish, Halakha, purity, chalk vessel industry, workshop, quarry, technology, quantification
    • The Pottery Assemblage from the Mount Scopus Chalk-Vessel Production Cave (pp. 275286)
      Débora Sandhaus
      Keywords: Pottery, Roman period, Herodian period, between the Revolts
    • Stratigraphic Setting and Lithology of Mount Scopus Chalk Quarry Cave (pp. 287293)
      Amos Frumkin and Ze’ev Lewy
      Keywords: bedrock stratigraphy, lithology, depositional paleoenvironment

 Past Issues

See the fill List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

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