Saturday, June 8, 2024

Open Access Journal: Mirabilia: Revista Eletrônica da Antiguidade e Idade Média / Eletronic Journal of Antiquity and Middle Ages

[First posted in AWOL 29 October 2013, updated 8 June 2024]

Mirabilia: Revista Eletrônica da Antiguidade e Idade Média / Eletronic Journal of Antiquity and Middle Ages
ISSN 1676-5818
The word Mirabilia in latin is a neutral plural adjective which means "admirable things" or "wonders" and comes from the verb mirare, to regard, look at. Therefore, this name evokes the admirable aspects of the ancient and the medieval times.

The Journal Mirablia is an on line publication which provides articles, documents and academic reviews produced by scholars of Ancient and Medieval History from all over the world interested in increase and debate their interests.

This publication is connected to the deeper concept of Cultural History, which is expressed in the relationship between History and the other fields of knowledge and centers its studies in the literaires, religious, philosophycal and artistical aspects of those areas and their relationship in time and space.

The Journal Mirabilia intends not only to unite the studies of different branches in human sciences, but also to link the areas of Ancient and Medieval History in Brazil. The reason of this ambition is a simple one: the Brazilian scholars and students have a great difficulty to access the sources and the recent publications, an habitual problem to the countries of the Third World. Therefore, by approaching the two areas and providing them with opportunity of reaching the research findings in Brazil and abroad, We intend to strenghten the Brazilian studies of Ancient and Medieval History, proportioning to a greater number of people the acess to the result of the researches currently developed.

Games from Antiquity to Baroque

Special Issue

Forgotten games: lost forever or still salvageable?

Astragalomanteion, Sortes Sanctorum, Sortes Monacenses: stratification of gaming practices and cultural traditions from Early Antiquity to the Middle Ages

Alexander Neckam (1157-1217): On dice players. Study and translation

Flavors of Celebration: Food and Public Festivities in Al-Andalus

Tracing the Origins of Checkmate Patterns and Paths in Alfonso X’s Libro de los juegos

A kind of joy: the Wise King games

Army, game, and social order: an approach to the cosmic metaphor of the justification of war in De bello by Juan de Legnano

Faces in Pieces

The imaginary of the Christian Beyond in a Board Game: a playful tool for Teaching Medieval History

Game, war and law in Tommaso Azzi’s De ludo scacchorum in legale methodo tractatus (1583)

Playing “Pythagoras” in Padua and Florence: a Sixteenth-Century Rithmomachia manuscript at the University of Pennsylvania

Play, bullfight and society in the mausoleum of Augustus (Rome): 16th-18th centuries

The Way to Heaven: religious instruction in the seventeenth century through Jesuit board games


The discussion on the origin of evil in Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagite’s De divini nominibus and its dependence on Proclus’ De malorum subsistentia

Aspects in Boethius (480-524) and his use of topical arguments and hypothetical syllogisms

The mulier of Saint Isidore of Seville and the Fathers of the Church. Aristolelian configurations

The traces of Blessed Ramon Llull in Sermo IV and Sermo CXCIII of Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa

At the Dawn of Modernity. Music and Painting in the time of Afonso V (1396-1458), the Magnanimous

The play of divine beauty: Bronzino’s decoration of the Chapel of Eleonora in the Palazzo Vecchio (1541-1543)

Imaginari: the absent present in the Baroque

Iconographic analysis of the Façade of the Temple of San Pablo, in Yuriria, Guanajuato

Can a Christian agree with the “modern values” of Modernity about abortion and homosexuality?




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