Monday, November 30, 2009

Eleven More Open Access Journals

Cave Archaeology And Palaeontology Research Archive
ISSN 1467-8837

Published is the journal "Georgian Antiquities", in collaboration with G. Chubinashvili Institute of History of Georgian Art of the Academy of Sciences of Georgia. Its editorial board comprises Western and Georgian specialists. The journal presents: new publications, documentation and photographs, schemes, etc. on unknown or forgotten monuments; new interpretation of the known monuments or phenomena; significant unpublished archival material, etc. The journal is issued quarterly in Georgia, once a year the whole material is published in English. Editors of the journal will be pleased to receive articles from the Western scholars on diverse aspects of the Near Eastern, Western European and Georgian art.

CIRCAEA The journal/Bulletin of the Association for Environmental Archaeology (1983-1996). It was superceded in 1997 by the journal, Environmental Archaeology: The journal of human palaeoecology.
The AEA promotes the advancement of the study of human interaction with the environment in the past through archaeology and related disciplines. We hold annual conferences and other meetings, produce a quarterly newsletter for members, and publish our conference monographs, as well as our journal - Environmental Archaeology: The journal of human palaeoecology. AEA membership is open to all those actively involved or interested in any aspect of environmental archaeology.
Georgian Antiquities - Sakʻartʻvelos siżveleni

Georgian Cultural Heritage Information Centre (GCHIC) is a Non-Governmental Organisation aimed at obtaining and keeping archive of the qualified information on diverse branches of the Georgian cultural heritage, as well as ensuring accessibility and availability of this information through scholarly and popular publications, exhibitions, electronic network, etc. GCHIC organises research-recording expeditions throughout Georgia and to the Georgian cultural heritage sites abroad; processes information based on typology, chronology, geography - in the form of ID cards, lists, annotations, etc.; disseminates information on the site facing the danger of vanish or damage; ensures protective measures on the unique and endangered heritage sites; supports interested individuals (teams) and professionals in obtaining better knowledge on significant well-known as well as less-known Georgian cultural heritage sites

The Heroic Age. A Journal of Early Medieval Northwestern Europe
ISSN 1526-1867

The Heroic Age is dedicated to the exploration all aspects of early medieval Northwestern Europe, from a variety of vantage points and disciplines from the beginning of the fourth century through the beginning of the thirteenth. By bringing various points of view to the table, we hope to open new vistas of investigation and strengthen ties among early medieval studies and its popular bases. The title "Heroic Age" is applicable to literary, historical, folkloric studies and the material culture that lies behind the people who lived, wrote, and championed their beliefs and created cultures in the period. We will strive to understand and promote understanding of this dynamic early medieval period.

Herculaneum Archaeology. (The Friends of Herculaneum Society)

HEPHAISTOS: New Approaches in Classical Archaeology and related Fields / Kritische Zeitschrift zu Theorie und Praxis der Archäologie und angrenzender Gebiet
ISSN 0174-2086

GLYPHS: The Monthly Newsletter of the Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society, An Affiliate of the Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona

The Orissa Historical Research Journal

Past: The Newsletter of The Prehistoric Society

The Prehistoric Society: Book Reviews

Vestiges. The monthly Newsletter of URARA, the Utah Rock Art Research Association

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Five More Open Access Journals

Roman Legal Tradition: A Journal of Ancient Medieval and Modern Civil Law
ISSN 1943-6483
Roman Legal Tradition is a peer-reviewed journal published online by the Ames Foundation and the University of Glasgow School of Law. ISSN 1943-6483.
The journal aims to promote the study of the civilian tradition in English. The editors welcome contributions on any aspect of the civilian tradition in ancient, medieval, and modern law.
All articles and reviews published in Roman Legal Tradition are available from this site free of charge. In addition, all articles and reviews are also available to subscribers of HeinOnline. We encourage readers to use and distribute these materials as they see fit, but ask readers not to make any commercial use of these materials without seeking the consent of the editors and relevant authors.
The first three volumes were published by the Roman Law Society of America, with the support of the University of Kansas Law School, and appeared both online and in print under ISSN 1551-1375. Back issues of Volumes Two and Three are available from from the link to the left.
The journal is edited by Charles Donahue, Jr. (Harvard Law School), M.H. Hoeflich (University of Kansas School of Law) and Ernest Metzger (University of Glasgow School of Law). General enquiries to: Prof Ernest Metzger, University of Glasgow School of Law, Glasgow G12 8QQ, United Kingdom.

Hey!Zeus! The Yale Undergraduate Journal of Classics

Founded in 2000 by two classical civilization majors, Charlie Edel and Samuel Butt, Hey! Zeus! is the Yale Undergraduate Journal of the Classics. Twice every academic year we publish undergraduate writings on all areas of western antiquity, from history and archaeology to literature and philosophy.
Brown Classical Journal

The Brown Classical Journal was founded in 1984 by Professor Alison Goddard Elliott, who nurtured the editors and contributors of that first volume as Faculty Editor. Sadly, the volume was dedicated to her memory. Susan Hueck Allen, then a graduate student, designed the logo for the journal, which was used for the first eleven volumes. The BCJ is published annually and typically is printed in the spring.
The purpose of the BCJ, as explained in the editorial statement of Volume 1, is "to encourage and to reward well written essays by students of the Classics at Brown University."

Asia Major

Asia Major, Third Series (issued semi-annually), is published by the Institute of History and Philology of the Academia Sinica, Taiwan. It is a continuation of Asia Major, New Series, published in England from 1949 to 1975. It covers all periods of Chinese history, literature, ideas, and culture in general. Included are the histories and cultures of other East and Central Asian peoples in their relations with China.

The PARI Journal (Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute)

The primary purpose of the Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute is to support and carry on research and exploration of Mesoamerican civilizations, their art, archaeology and glyphic texts, as well as research concerning the tropical environment and its ancient monuments.

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Open Access Romanian Archaeology

Bibliotheca Septemcastrensis

editor: prof.univ.dr. Sabin Adrian LUCA / Cosmin SUCIU

Sabin Adrian Luca

BS XVIII - Descoperiri arheologice din Banatul Românesc - Repertoriu- ISBN (10)973-7724-84-4.

Full text .pdf format (15 MB)

Valeriu Sîrbu, Nicolae Cerişer şi Vasile Romulus Ioan
Aurel Dragotă

BS XXIII - Aspecte de multiculturalitate spirituală *. Rit şi ritual funerar în Transilvania şi în Europa Centrală şi de Sud-Est (Sec. 9-11 P. Ch). ISBN (10)973-7724-98-4 , ISBN (13) 978-973-7724-98-4

Full text .pdf format (5,28 MB)

Zeno Karl Pinter, Aurel Dragotă, Ioan Marian Ţiplic

BS XXII - Piese de podoabă şi vestimentaţie la grupurile etnice din Transilvania (sec. 7-12). ISBN (10)973-7724-98-4 , ISBN (13) 978-973-7724-98-4

Full text .pdf format (2,64 MB)

Volum de articole

BS XXI - Relaţii interetnice în spaţiul românesc **. Populaţii şi grupuri etnice (sec II î. Hr. - V d. Hr.) ISBN (10)973-7724-96-8 , ISBN (13) 978-973-7724-96-0

Full text .pdf format (6,7 MB)

Numar special

BS XVII - The society of the living – the community of the dead (from Neolithic to the Christian era), Proceedings of the 7th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology. ISBN 973-7724-83-6

Full text .pdf format ( 15.8 MB)

Sabin Adrian Luca.

BS XIV - Repertoriul Arheologic al judeţului Hunedoara.

(Cu contribuţii: Cristian Roman, Dragos Diaconescu şi Cosmin Suciu)

HTML format

Full text .pdf format ( 13.8 MB)

Volum de articole

BS XII - Relaţii interetnice în Transilvania (sec. VI-XIII) ISBN 973-709-158-2

HTML format

Full text .pdf format ( 8.47 MB)

BS X -
(ISBN 973-709-121-3)

Arheologie si istorie (III) Descoperiri din judeţul Hunedoara"

(Cu contribuţii: Cristian Roman, Dragos Diaconescu)

D. Protase

Cimitirul slav de la Ocna Sibiului (sec. VII-IX), ISBN 973-709-103-5

HTML format

Full text .pdf format ( 4.13 MB)

BS V - „Cercetări arheologice în Peştera Cauce (II)" ISBN 973-590-995-2. (Cu contribuţii: Diana STANCZ)

HTML format

Descarcă .pdf format, dimensiunea - 15,9 MB, (require Adobe Acrobat Reader, minim 5 version)

Sabin Adrian Luca, Cristian Roman, Dragos Diaconescu

Cercetări Arheologice în Peştera Cauce, vol I ISBN 973-590-995-2

(Cu contribuţii: Eugen Orlandea, Cosmin Suciu, Corneliu Beldiman)

Dumitru Popa

Alte cărţi

Horia Ciugudean, Sabin Adrian LUCA, Adrian GEORGESCU

Depozite de bronzuri preistorice (din colecţia Brukenthal) I

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Silviu OŢA

Orizonturi funerare din Banatul Istoric (secolele X-XIV)

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Tabele şi grafice

hunedoara repertoriu Coordonator Sabin Adrian LUCA

Repertoriul arheologic al judeţului Hunedoara

(ediţia a II-a)

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roman cate pesteri
Cristian - Constantin ROMAN

Habitatul uman în peşterile din sud-vestul Transilvaniei

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bacuet doctorat

Neoliticul şi Eneoliticul timpuriu în Depresiunea Şimleului

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moneda si comert
Redactor coordonator: Claudiu Munteanu

Monedă şi Comerţ în Sud-Vestul Europei

Volumul II

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celti arheologie transilvania la tene ceramica arme tipologie
Iosif Vasile FERENCZ

Celţii pe Mureşul Mijlociu

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Planşe 1-50

Planşe 50-110

daci hunedoara celti la tene sica arme unelte copii mormant

Valeriu SÎRBU, Sabin Adrian LUCA, Cristian ROMAN, Silviu PURECE, Dragoş DIACONESCU, Nicolae CERIŞOR

Vestigiile dacice de la Hunedoara / The Dacian Vestiges in Hunedoara

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numismatica congres transilvania istorie sibiu

Redactor coordonator: Claudiu Munteanu

Colectiv de redacţie: dr. Oltea Dudău, Olga Beşliu, Silviu I. Purece, Artur Grila, Anca Niţoi, Marcela Vonica

Monedă şi Comerţ în Sud-Vestul Europei

Volumul I

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sabie, spada transilvania tipologie evolutie
Zeno Karl Pinter

Spada şi sabia medievalã în Transilvania şi Banat, (sec. IX-XIV) (ediţia a II-a, revizuită şi adăugită)

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neolitic arhitectura starcevo vinca piscolts banatului arheologie tpologie
Cornelia Magda Lazarovici, Gheorghe Lazarovici


bronz depozit epoca bronzului dipsa radiocarbon cronologie
de Horia CIUGUDEAN, Sabin Adrian LUCA, Adrian GEORGESCU


Pag 1-66 [1.7 MB]

Planşele I-XXII [6 MB]

Planşele XXIII-XLII [4 MB]

Planşele XLIII-LXIII [1.9 MB]

Planşele LXIV-LXXX [1.8 MB]

Una delle capitali culturali europee del 2007 - Sibiu, ISBN(10) 973-117-016-2; ISBN(13) 978-973-117-016-9

Exhibition file

Volum ingrijit de D. Diaconescu, C. Roman si N. Ceriser

Spada şi sabia medievalã în Transilvania şi Banat, (sec. IX-XIV), (Mittelalterliche Schweter und Säbel in Siebenbürgen und im Banat (9. bis 14. Jahrhunderts), ISBN 973-98446-2-6.

Der Böhmerberg. Eine archäologische Monographie. ISBN 973-651-369-6.

Roşcani– cercetări arheologice. ISBN 973-8163-82-X.

Roşcani – biserica monument istoric. ISBN 973-9425-88-7.

Aşezãri neolitice pe valea Muresului (II). Noi cercetări arheologice la Turdaş-Luncã. I. Campaniile anilor 1992-1995.ISBN 973-590-514-0.

Contribuţii la istoria veche a Hunedoarei. Săpăturile sistematice din Gradina Castelului - campaniile anilor 1996-1998. ISBN 973-0-00942-2

Sabin Adrian Luca

Aşezări neolitice pe Valea Mureşului (I). Habitatul turdăşean de la Orăştie - Dealul Pemilor (punct X2). ISBN 973-0-00546-X

Descarcă .pdf format, dimensiunea - 38.4 MB,