Sunday, October 27, 2024

Metaphors of Death and Resurrection in the Qurʾan: An Intertextual Approach with Biblical and Rabbinic Literature

Metaphors of Death and Resurrection in the Qurʾan

This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open Access programme and is available on

Through extensive textual analysis, this book reveals how many passages of the Qurʾan define death and resurrection spiritually or metaphorically.

While the Day of Resurrection is a major theme of the Qurʾan, resurrection has largely been interpreted as physical, which is defined as bones leaving their graves. However, this book shows how the Qurʾan alludes to death and resurrection in a very metaphoric manner, though physically – for example, rebuilding a desolate town, typically identified as Jerusalem, and bringing the Israelite exiles back. At other times, the Qurʾan speaks of non-believers as spiritually dead, those who live in this world, but are otherwise zombies.

The author presents an innovative theory of interpretation, contextualizing the Qurʾan within Late Antiquity, and traces the Qurʾanic passages back to their Biblical, extra-biblical and rabbinic subtexts and traditions.

 Open Access   CC BY-NC-ND 3.0   1027 downloads

  • Funding provided by:
  • DOI:
  • ISBN:
    978-1-3502-4455-9 (online)

    978-1-3502-4452-8 (hardback)

    978-1-3502-4453-5 (epdf)

    978-1-3502-4454-2 (epub)
  • Date of Publication:
  • Published Online:
    23 September 2021
  • Collection(s):
    Bloomsbury Open Access, Title By Title
  • Place of Publication:
  • Printer/Publisher:
    Bloomsbury Academic
  • Edition:
    First published
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Front matter

Chrysostomus Latinus in Iohannem Online (CLIO)

 [First posted in AWOL 25 June 2018, updated 27 October 2024 (new URLs)]

 Chrysostomus Latinus in Iohannem Online (CLIO)

This Digital Humanities project provides Open Access texts of all four Latin translations of John Chrysostom's 88 homilies on the Gospel of John (CPG 4425), representing Greco-Latin translation and patristic scholarship in Western Europe through three distinct eras: the High Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Enlightenment.

1) Burgundio of Pisa's Explanatio in sanctum Iohannem (1173). This earliest Latin translation of Chrysostom's Joannine homilies has never been printed, though a critical edition of Burgundio's preface to it was published by Peter Classen in 1974 (Burgundio von Pisa: Richter, Gesandter, Übersetzer, pp.79-102).

2) Francesco Griffolini's Homiliae super Iohannis euangelio (1462).

3) Griffolini’s translation after it was heavily emended and amended by Philippe Montanus for the 1536 Paris edition, a distinct version we call the Griffolini-Montanus translation.

4) Bernard de Montfaucon's Commentarius in sanctum Joannem (1728), from tome 8 of his Sancti patris nostri Joannis Chrysostomi...opera omnia... (Paris, 1718-38), collated against J.P. Migne's edition in Patrologia Graeca, tome 59 (Paris, 1862).

The original Greek text from Montfaucon’s 1728 edition is also provided for ease of comparative analysis.

Open Access Journal: Hungarian Assyriological Review

 [First posted in AWOL August 2021, updated 27 October 2024]
ISSN: 2732-2610 
HAR – Hungarian Assyriological Review is a scientific journal, covering all periods and themes in Near Eastern archaeology, history, philology, and linguistics.

The journal is published by the Institute of Archaeological Sciences and the Institute of Ancient and Classical Studies, Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary.

Volume 4 • Issue 1 • 2023

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Saturday, October 26, 2024

Open Access Monograph Series: Council for British Research in the Levant (CBRL) Digital Monographs

 [First posted in AWOL 7 July 2023, updated 26 October 2024]

Council for British Research in the Levant (CBRL) Digital Monographs


The Council for British Research in the Levant (CBRL) has a long history of archaeological research and publication. CBRL monographs aim to present significant new contributions to the study of the humanities and social sciences, and to advance knowledge and understanding of the peoples and cultures of the Levant. CBRL monographs focus on research undertaken in and on Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Syria and Cyprus.
18 Books in JSTOR Copyright Date
Archaeological Perspectives on the Transmission and Transformation of Culture in the Eastern Mediterranean OPEN ACCESS 2005
Archaeology and Desertification: The Wadi Faynan Landscape Survey, Southern Jordan OPEN ACCESS 2007
Belmont Castle: The Excavation of a Crusader Stronghold in the Kingdom of Jerusalem OPEN ACCESS 2000
Bulletins and Supplementary Papers of the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem, 1922–1931 OPEN ACCESS 2023
Busayra excavations by Crystal-M. Bennett, 1971-1980 OPEN ACCESS 2002
Crossing the Rift: Resources, Settlements Patterns and Interaction in the Wadi Arabah OPEN ACCESS 2006
Culture, Chronology and the Chalcolithic OPEN ACCESS 2011
The Deep Past as a Social Asset in the Levant (DEEPSAL): A study of the livelihoods of the communities living close to the Neolithic sites of Basta and Beidha in southern Jordan OPEN ACCESS 2018
A Gazetteer of Buildings in Muslim Palestine: Part 1 OPEN ACCESS 2001
Landscape and Interaction. The Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project, Cyprus. Volume 1. Methodology, Analysis and Interpretation OPEN ACCESS 2013
Landscape and Interaction. The Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project, Cyprus. Volume 2. The TAESP Landscape OPEN ACCESS 2013
Landscapes in Transition OPEN ACCESS 2010
Mamluk Jerusalem: An Architectural Study OPEN ACCESS 1987
The Medieval and Ottoman Hajj Route in Jordan: An Archaeological and Historical Study OPEN ACCESS 2012
Qal'at Jabar Pottery: A Study of a Syrian Fortified Site in the Late 11th–14th Centuries OPEN ACCESS 1998
The Roman Army in Jordan OPEN ACCESS 2004
Umm al-Biyara: Excavations by Crystal-M. Bennett in Petra 1960-1965 OPEN ACCESS 2011
WF16: The Excavation of an Early Neolithic Settlement in Wadi Faynan, Southern Jordan: Stratigraphy, Chronology, Architecture and Burials OPEN ACCESS 2018

You can see a list of our digital monographs available on the Archaeological Data Service library here.

See AWOL's Alphabetical List of Open Access Monograph Series in Ancient Studies

Open Access Journal: Athens University Review of Archaeology (AURA)

 [First posted in AWOL 1 April 2022, updated 10 May 2023]
ISSN: 2623-3428 (digital)
ISSN: 2623-3436 (print) 
The Athens University Review of Archaeology (AURA) is an international, peer-reviewed archaeological journal published annually by the Faculty of History and Archaeology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. It is dedicated to the publication of original research articles and reports focusing on, or related to the archaeology, art and material culture in the broader Greek world, from the earliest Prehistory to the Modern Era.

AURA is a fully open access journal issued annually. Each issue is published electronically as a PDF file. All papers are available on the Internet to all users immediately upon publication and free of charge, according to the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.

AURA issues and AURA Supplements can also be distributed on a print-on-demand basis and posted or collected from the bookstore of the Kardamitsa Publications, 8 Ippokratous str, Athens. The costs of priting and posting are covered by the customer. If you wish to request a hard copy, please contact us.

Table of Contents


Τα ιδιαίτερα χαρακτηριστικά της Σασανιδικής σφραγιδογλυφίας, όπως αυτά αποτυπώνονται κατά τη θεματική παρουσίαση σαράντα μίας (41) Σασανιδικών σφραγίδων, που ανήκουν σε ελληνική ιδιωτική συλλογή. PDF (Greek)
Σοφία Σιμιτζή

'Lower your arms, bend your back!': Ancient Egyptian 'body behaviour' as an expression of respect towards social superiors PDF
Christos Kekes

From GIS to Game engines: case studies in archaeology from North Greece PDF
Vasileios Evangelidis, Despoina Tsiafaki


Vol 6 (2023)

Table of Contents


Μετάλλινες περόνες πρώην Συλλογής Κων/νου Λάμπρου από τη Συλλογή Έργων Μεταλλοτεχνίας του Εθνικού Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου PDF (Greek)

Vol 5 (2022)

Full Issue

View or download the full issue PDF

Table of Contents


‘Κούπια με λίρες’. Unexpected circumstances revealed in investigating a Bronze Age tumulus at Klopas, Marathon. PDF
Anthi Balitsari 11-29

Σαμοθρακική περαία: αρχαίες πηγές, νεότερη ευρωπαϊκή χαρτογραφία και το ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα ArcGeoPerSa PDF (Greek)
Απόστολος Γαρυφαλλόπουλος 29-44

Η παρουσία και λατρεία της Αθηνάς στο Ασκληπιείο και στην πόλη της Επιδαύρου PDF (Greek)
Παναγιώτης Κωνσταντινίδης 45-73

O περίπτερος ναός στην Άνω Μέλπεια Μεσσηνίας PDF (Greek)
Ξένη Αραπογιάννη, Ειρήνη Σπυροπούλου 75-127

Ψηφιακές εφαρμογές, δημόσια αρχαιολογία και η ελληνική πραγματικότητα την εποχή του COVID-19: το παράδειγμα του myELeusis στο πεδίο της ψηφιακής ανάδειξης αρχαιολογικών χώρων PDF (Greek)
Δέσποινα Τσιαφάκη, Καλλιόπη Παπαγγελή, Παρασκευή Μότσιου, Γιάννης Μούρθος, Νατάσα Μιχαηλίδου, Χρυσάνθη Τζαβαλή, Χριστίνα Καζαζάκη, Ανέστης Κουτσούδης, Χαϊρί Κιούρτ, Κωνσταντίνος Σταυρόγλου, Γιώργος-Αλέξης Ιωαννάκης, Φώτης Αρναούτογλου, Παναγιώτης Γκιόκας 129-152

Unwinding the thread: interdisciplinary research on early wool craft in Greek prehistory PDF
Sophia Vakirtzi, Katerina Papayianni, Eleni Mantzourani 153-217

Θησαυρός υστερορωμαϊκών νομισμάτων από τον Πειραιά PDF (Greek)
Αναστασία Περυσινάκη 219-236

Seeking the Cypriot Merchant. Personal objects as indicators of identity? PDF
Angelos Papadopoulos 237-250

The North Basilica in Herodes Atticus’ Villa at Eva/Loukou: New Observations on the Architecture and the Sculptural Program. PDF
Chrysanthos Kanellopoulos, Anna V. Karapanagiotou 251-273

Book Reviews

Book Review "T.E. Cinquantaquattro and M. D’Acunto. 2020. EUBOICA II. Pithekoussai and Euboea Between East and West" PDF
Eva Simantoni-Bournia 277-281

Book Review "R. Chowaniec. Ed. 2018. On the Borders of Syracuse. Multidisciplinary studies on the ancient town of Akrai/Acrae, Sicily" PDF (Greek)
Paolo Daniele Scirpo 283-286

Vol 4 (2021)

Full Issue

View or download the full issue PDF

Table of Contents


Hyria on Naxos. Tracing the connectivity of an insular sanctuary with the Aegean and beyond PDF
Eva Simantoni-Bournia 9-26

Α rock engraving of Pan at Faskomelia Hill in Vouliagmeni, Attica The presence of the god Pan in the battle of Marathon PDF
Mairy Giamalidi, Erietta Tzovara 27-41

Three copper alloy spoons from the Peloponnese (14th – 16th centuries) PDF
Eleni Barmparitsa 43-53

Rock-crystal spool-shaped objects (Greek) PDF (Greek)
Amalia Avramidou, Marina Tasaklaki 55-76

Two early icons from Egypt in the Benaki Museum PDF
Anastasia Drandaki 79-96

The public cemetery of the ancient demos of Paiania in Attica and some observations on the ancient demoi and mortuary practices in Mesogaia, Attica PDF
Panagiota Galiatsatou 97-205

Strontium isotopes and human mobility in Ceramic Neolithic-Middle Chalcolithic Cyprus (ca. 5200/5000–3000/2800 BC): a pilot study PDF
Ioannis Voskos, Efrossini Vika, Eleni Mantzourani 207-224

Female busts from the cemeteries of Trapeza in Polichni, Thessaloniki PDF (Greek)
Έλενα Καριπίδου 225-245

Ancient habitation around the lagoons of the Messolonghi area. The evolution of the landscape through mythological and historical references and geo-archaeological data (Greek) PDF (Greek)
Φωτεινή Σαράντη 247-271

Book Reviews

Book Review "Constanze Graml. 2020. The sanctuary of Artemis Soteira in the Kerameikos of Athens" PDF
Elena Partida 275-280

Book Review "Κλεοπάτρα Παπαευαγγέλου-Γκενάκου. 2020. Εκ θεμελίων" PDF
Dimitrios Plantzos 281-282

AURA Supplements

See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies


Open Access Journal: Lycus Dergisi

 [First posted in AWOL 19 February 2021, updated 26 October 2024]

Lycus Dergisi
e-ISSN: 2717-8471

Cover Image
Pamukkale Üniversitesi Arkeoloji Enstitüsü tarafından yayımlanan Lycus Dergisi, Haziran ve Aralık aylarında olmak üzere yılda iki sayı olarak yayımlanan, bilimsel ve hakemli bir e-dergidir. Lycus Dergisi; başta Anadolu Arkeolojisi, Antik Dönem Tarihi Coğrafyası, Prehistorya, Protohistorya, Önasya ve Klasik Arkeoloji, Müzecilik, Eskiçağ Tarihi, Epigrafi, Nümizmatik, Antropoloji, Arkeometri, Koruma-Onarım, Mimarlık Tarihi gibi alanların konularını kapsayan, disiplinler arası çalışmaları yayımlamayı amaçlamaktadır.
Page : 107-133


Issue: 8
Issue: 7
Issue: 6
Issue: 5
Issue: 4
Issue: 3
Issue: 2
Issue: 1

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Open Access Digital Library: PANDEKTIS - A Digital Thesaurus of Primary Sources for Greek History and Culture

[First posted in AWOL 30 July 2009. Updated 26 October 2024]

PANDEKTIS - A Digital Thesaurus of Primary Sources for Greek History and Culture
National Hellenic Research Foundation
It is a project of the National Hellenic Research Foundation which contains major digital collections of Greek history and civilization. The collections have been produced by the Institute of Neohellenic Research, the Institute of Byzantine Research and the Institute of Greek and Roman Antiquity. The National Documentation Centre supports the collections' digital form.

'PANDEKTIS - A Digital Thesaurus of Primary Sources for Greek History and Culture' aims to provide free access to eleven integrated and scientifically elaborated collections produced by the three humanistic Institutes of the National Hellenic Foundation for Research - Institute of Greek and Roman Antiquity, Institute of Byzantine Research, Institute of Neohellenic Research.

Who benefits?
The scientific community and the society gain online free access to the research results through the PANDEKTIS online digital collections.

What about the PANDEKTIS collections?
The collections, which will be widely disseminated through the internet, originate from primary documents of Greek history and civilization. Certain applications have been developed to ensure the digital homogeneity of the documents, a single interface for the provision and search of the databases through Internet services, by using tools and products developed by EKT.