Tuesday, May 31, 2022

New in ANEM: Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honor of P. Kyle McCarter Jr.

Christopher Rollston, Susanna Garfein, Neal H. Walls, editors

Publication Date
May 2022

This collection of thirty-one essays by colleagues, students, and friends of P. Kyle McCarter Jr. covers a range of topics of interest to McCarter. Essays approach the Hebrew Bible, Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Septuagint using various methods, including philology, narrative criticism, and political theory. Contributions on epigraphy cover a range of inscriptions, including Phoenician, Aramaic, and Ugaritic. A final section on archaeology covers sites, architecture, and artifacts. Contributors include Adam L. Bean, Joel S. Burnett, Aaron Demsky, Heath D. Dewrell, F. W. Dobbs-Allsopp, Daniel E. Fleming, Erin E. Fleming, Pamela Gaber, Yosef Garfinkel, Maria Giulia Amadasi Guzzo, Jo Ann Hackett, Baruch Halpern, Ronald Hendel, John Huehnergard, Yoo-ki Kim, Andrew Knapp, André Lemaire, Theodore J. Lewis, Steven L. McKenzie,  Christopher A. Rollston, Jonathan Rosenbaum, Joe D. Seger, Hershel Shanks, Mark S. Smith, Ron E. Tappy, John Tracy Thames Jr., Eugene Ulrich, James C. VanderKam, Erin Guinn Villareal, Roger D. Woodard, and K. Lawson Younger Jr.

Christopher A. Rollston is Professor of Northwest Semitic Languages and Literatures at George Washington University and Chair of the Department of Classical and Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations there.

Susanna Garfein is Director of Leadership Engagement at The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore.

Neal H. Walls is Associate Professor of Old Testament Interpretation at Wake Forest University School of Divinity.



Nécropole de la ville antique de Gorgippia : complexe de tombes au tournant des IIe-IIIe siècles de n. è

Alekseeva, E. M. (2022) : Некрополь античного города Горгиппии: комплекс гробниц рубежа II–III вв. н. э. / Nekropol’ antichnogo goroda Gorgippii: kompleks grobnic rubezha II–III vv. n. é., Moscou [Nécropole de la ville antique de Gorgippia : complexe de tombes au tournant des IIe-IIIe siècles de n. è.]

L’ouvrage présente une crypte avec des fresques et des artefacts des IIe-IIIe siècles, découverte en 1975-1976 dans la nécropole de Gorgippia (Anapa). Un long chapitre présente les nécropoles de Gorgippia, avant que le contexte de découverte de ces deux tombes ne soit présenté. L’auteur analyse ensuite les compositions, l’appartenance, les visions du monde, le sens, l’évolution et la symbolique des images mythologiques présents dans la décoration. On relèvera la représentation des travaux d’Hercule, ainsi que la présence dans un des sarcophages à côté d’objets précieux du IIe s. ap. J.-C. provenant de l’ouest de l’Empire romain d’un statère bosporan en or du IIIe s. av. J.-C. Ces inhumations sont celles de membres des familles de l’élite, voire de la famille régnante bosporane.

Le livre est richement illustré avec de superbes photographies.

Long résumé en anglais de 36 pages

Le livre en ligne : https://www.archaeolog.ru/ru/el-bib/el-cat/el-books/el-books-2021/alekseeva-2021


Monday, May 30, 2022

Images of Rome: The Rodolfo Lanciani Digital Archive

[First posted in AWOL 10 July 1917, updated 30 May 2022]
This website offers virtual access to a premier collection of historic depictions amassed by Rodolfo Lanciani (1845–1929). Archaeologist, professor of topography, and secretary of the Archaeological Commission, Lanciani was a pioneer in the systematic, modern study of the city of Rome. Beginning in the latter part of the nineteenth century and continuing into the first three decades of the twentieth century, his work profoundly influenced our understanding of the ancient city. Throughout his long career Lanciani collected a vast archive of his own notes and manuscripts, as well as works by others including rare prints and original drawings by artists and architects stretching back to the sixteenth century. After his death in 1929, his entire library was purchased by the Istituto Nazionale di Archeologia e Storia dell’Arte (INASA), on the recommendation of the Director Corrado Ricci (1858-1934). 

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DASI: Digital Archive for the Study of pre-Islamic Arabian Inscriptions

 [First posted in AWOL 31 January 2013. Updated when the site relaunched 30 May 2022]

DASI: Digital Archive for the Study of pre-Islamic Arabian Inscriptions

DASI seeks to gather all known pre-Islamic Arabian epigraphic material into a comprehensive online database, with the aim to make available to specialists and to the broader public a wide array of documents often underestimated because of their difficulty of access.  
By means of a digitization process through a hybrid data entry/xml system, DASI gives access at present to more than 8,400 Ancient South Arabian inscriptions and 600 more anepigraphic objects, for the most part recorded by the University of Pisa team under the direction of Alessandra Avanzini. Thanks to the collaboration with other major European centres for the study of the Arabian Peninsula, also parts of the corpora of the Ancient North Arabian inscriptions (supervision by Mr. M.C.A. Macdonald, University of Oxford), Nabataean inscriptions (supervision by Dr. Laila Nehmé, UMR 8167, CNRS-Paris) and other Aramaic inscriptions (soon available, under the supervision by Dr. Maria Gorea, Université de Paris VIII) have been digitized.
DASI project was funded by the European Community within the Seventh Framework Programme “Ideas”, through an ERC – Advanced Grant awarded to Prof. Alessandra Avanzini at the University of Pisa (2011-2016). The Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, additional participant of the project, was responsible for the technical development of the archive, which is now maintained at the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome.

 Project details »


Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

The ASA (Ancient South Arabian) corpus is one of the most interesting collections of epigraphic documents of the Semitic world, first and foremost for its vastness. With its over 15,000 inscriptions, it is the first-hand, written documentation of the culture that flourished in South Arabia from the late second millennium BC to the sixth century AD. At present, CSAI contains a collection of some 8,400 texts, for the most part digitized by the team of the University of Pisa under the direction of A. Avanzini.

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Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

The Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia (OCIANA) is a project of the Khalili Research Centre of the University of Oxford, directed by J. Johns and M.C.A. Macdonald. It aims to present an easily updatable, online edition of all known Ancient North Arabian inscriptions: Taymanitic, Dadanitic, Hasaitic, Safaitic, Hismaic and Thamudic.

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Corpus of Aramaic Inscriptions

The Corpus of Aramaic inscriptions on DASI is composed of inscriptions found in Taymāʾ and its region and in the Gulf in the Achaemenid and post-Achaemenid periods. The corpus of Aramaic inscriptions is under the supervision of Maria Gorea (Université Paris VIII).

Corpus of Nabataean Inscriptions

The Corpus of Nabataean inscriptions on DASI has been accomplished thanks to the agreement with the CNRS laboratory UMR 8167 – Mondes Sémitiques, under the scientific supervision of L. Nehmé.

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open Access Monograph Series: Studies in Manuscript Cultures

[First posted in AWOL  15 October 2021, updated 30 May 2022]
ISSN: 2365-9696 
Edited by: Michael Friedrich, Harunaga Isaacson and Jörg B. Quenzer

series: Studies in Manuscript Cultures

The series Studies in Manuscript Cultures (SMC) publishes monographs and collective volumes contributing to the study of written artefacts. This field of study embraces disciplines such as art history, codicology, epigraphy, history, material analysis, palaeography and philology.

SMC encourages comparative approaches, without regional, linguistic, temporal or other limitations on the objects studied; it contributes to a larger historical and systematic survey of the role of written artefacts in ancient and modern cultures, and in so doing provides a new foundation for ongoing discussions in cultural studies.

book: The Syntax of Colophons
Book Open Access 2022
Volume 27 in this series
book: A Short History of Paper in Imperial China
Book Ahead of Publication 2023
book: Manuscript and Print in the Islamic Tradition
Book Open Access 2022
Volume 26 in this series
book: Exploring Written Artefacts
Book Open Access 2021
Volume 25 in this series
book: Medieval Multilingual Manuscripts
Book Open Access 2022
Volume 24 in this series
book: Education Materialised
Book Open Access 2021
Volume 23 in this series
book: Dunhuang Manuscript Culture
Book Open Access 2020
Volume 22 in this series
book: Disiecta Membra Musicae
Book Open Access 2020
Volume 21 in this series
book: Fakes and Forgeries of Written Artefacts from Ancient Mesopotamia to Modern China
Book Open Access 2020
Volume 20 in this series
book: Trends in Statistical Codicology
Book Open Access 2021
Volume 19 in this series
book: Canones: The Art of Harmony
Book Open Access 2020
Volume 18 in this series
book: The Emergence of Multiple-Text Manuscripts
Book Open Access 2019
Volume 17 in this series
book: Creating Standards
Book Open Access 2019
Volume 16 in this series
book: Studies on Greek and Coptic Majuscule Scripts and Books
Book Open Access 2019
Volume 15 in this series
book: Indic Manuscript Cultures through the Ages
Book Open Access 2017
Volume 14 in this series
book: Jewish Manuscript Cultures
Book Open Access 2017
Volume 13 in this series
book: The Arts and Crafts of Literacy
Book Open Access 2017
Volume 12 in this series
book: Manuscripts and Archives
Book Open Access 2018
Volume 11 in this series
book: One-Volume Libraries: Composite and Multiple-Text Manuscripts
Book Open Access 2016
Volume 9 in this series
book: Tracing Manuscripts in Time and Space through Paratexts
Book Open Access 2016
Volume 7 in this series
book: Manuscript, Print and Memory
Book Unlicensed 2014
Volume 3 in this series
book: Manuscripts and Travellers
Book Unlicensed 2011
Volume 2 in this series
book: Manuscript Cultures: Mapping the Field
Book Unlicensed 2014
Volume 1 in this series

See AWOL's Alphabetical List of Open Access Monograph Series in Ancient Studies